Welcome to YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS where we uplift, extoll, exalt and magnify YHWH OF HOSTS to establish YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS in YHWHrusalem to get His temple built on MORYHWH. YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is a tax-exempt organized movement founded on September 28, 1986, by YHWH OF HOSTS, to magnify His Holy Name, to make YHWHrusalem a praise in the earth and to prepare the way before Him. YHWH, for His Holy Name sake has established YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS also to gather the preserved of Yisrael and to be a light unto the Gentiles that His salvation can go to the ends of the earth. YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is the servant of YHWH, our righteousness, The King, the fountain of living waters, the spirit and creator of all things, The Living Creator. YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is also the name by which the seed or branch of David is to be known as prophesied in Jeremiah 23:1-8. CONTACT: YHWHudah Ben Yisrael, 773 874 0325, P.O. Box 20532, Chicago, IL 60620 More at yhwhourrighteousnesschicago.net