Hermit's Reflections


Shalom! ברוכים הבאים This channel will have crafting tutorials (sewing, machine knitting, etc.), cooking, and possibly some other faith-based reflections. I am also on a mission to become a healthy weight for the first time in my life (updates posted on my blog). My faith is best described as a mixture of Jewish and Christian. I am not currently associated with any community. I worship at home with Himmit (nickname), my husband. My role in life, along with being a housewife, is to be a hermit. Sometimes I serve as a sort of bartender in the lounge of life, trying to help those who pass on by. It is my (Mrs. Hermit) hope that this Channel will be useful, encouraging, and inspiring to many. This is a place to share some of my tutorials and reflections. Much more content, a Community Board/Groups, and blessings (to ask/receive/share), can be found on my website, https://ideasfromthemaster.wixsite.com/hermits-reflections. May Yeshua bless you and give you peace. My Ytube is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMk5stFeNdUCRovIzBQTesw Support: paypal.me/MrsHermit Himmit (my husband)'s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbv8NirXk6Xf8pxm72xXOTw

The Yass Method For Pain-Free Movement


This is the channel for Dr Mitchell Yass, DPT. I am the founder of the Yass method. It is the only true method designed to properly diagnose and treat pain. This channel is designed to enlighten all who seek the truth about what is causing their pain and how to resolve the cause. The existing medical model of using MRIs to identify structural variations as the cause of pain is baseless. The key to identifying the cause of symptoms is to understand the body's presentation of symptoms. This the the way that the body is trying to create awareness of a tissue in distress so an intervention can be performed to resolve the distress of the tissue. Once resolved the body no longer has to emit the symptoms and they cease. This channel is dedicated to debunking all false assertions by the medical establishment and provide declarative proof that the Yass method can successfully diagnose the cause of pain or other symptoms in an effective timely manner.

Syktohealth | Intermittent Fasting • Keto • Self Care


Syktohealth is a health and fitness company aiming to give quality health tips, training, advice, and programs from professionals for its users to attain a healthy and happy life. Syktohealth is known for its one of a kind weight loss strategy which is a combination of intermittent fasting, keto diet, and stress management through self-care. Unlock a healthier, more vibrant you by letting Syktohealth to become a part of your life today!