Matthew Kelly


Home of 60 Second Wisdom and the-Best-Version-of-Yourself! Matthew Kelly has an incredible ability to put into words what we are thinking and feeling, with common sense, wisdom, practical insight, and humor. He will make you laugh, cry, reflect, yearn for change, and teach you to honor yourself like never before. Matthew has dedicated his life to helping people become the-best-version-of-themselves. He coined and trademarked the phrase “the-best-version-of-yourself” in his early twenties and has been sharing it in every arena of life for more than 25 years. It is quoted by celebrities and presidents, athletes and their coaches, business leaders and innovators, though perhaps never more powerfully than when a parent asks a child, What did you do today to become the-best-version-of-yourself? An internationally acclaimed author and speaker, Kelly’s books have sold more than 50 million copies, and have appeared on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestseller lists.

The Soul Call with Kelly B


Welcome to a hive of soul-fuelled conversations to inspire and capture your heart with your host, Kelly Butchart. If you are looking for deeper meaning in your life and searching for inspiration on how to live a life of joy, peace, fulfilment and harmony then listen in. These conversations will re-awaken you to your own brilliance and Divineness and help lead you forward to embrace your soul into BEing who you really came here to BE. Kelly and SPECIAL GUESTS will help you to LEARN more about the importance of raising your consciousness to align with a new 5D way of life through the power of your heart.From Head-teacher to Heart-teacher, Kelly now passionately supports women to live, learn and lead from their soul and to fully embody their SOUL GENIUS®. The world needs us in our Soul Power more than ever!You can find more about me and the work I do here: (under construction)