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Rumble, Bgmi, PUBGM, Pubgmobile


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Pubg Mobile &Bgmi gameplay creator

1 Follower

💗Hi, Gaye's👑 Hay and welcome to this chenel! My name is Lucky gamer yt and I'm a professional mobile gamer! I upload some of my best gameplay when playing Pubgm (Pubg Mobile) atm , but might start uploading more games in the future!my highest Rank I have had in pubg mobile is conqueror.will also make reviews on new update in games! Lucky gamer yt! pubg mobile & Bgmi all trips and trick's.pubg mobile every royel pass and others licks video's! # 💟please saport me 🙏 # 💟Take Care Gaye's 🥰 #💟Thank you for watching 🥰😘,pubg funny video, victor iq test,