Awaken Bible Prophecy


This channel adheres to a pre-Tribulation Rapture perspective given the overwhelming Scriptural evidence for that position. We believe in the soon return of Jesus Christ for His church - the Bride of Christ - in which He will come on the clouds to snatch true believers away from the earth. Following that momentous event, the Lord will begin exercising judgment upon this unbelieving world by pouring out His wrath and punishment in the Tribulation. During that time, the remnant of Israel will be saved and many in the world will come to know Jesus, yet be martyred for their faith.

Ambient Sounds Verified


Introducing Ambient Sounds, the perfect way to relax, motivate, educate and entertain yourself all at once. Regardless of what mood you're in, we have a video that will suit your needs. If you're feeling stressed out, watch one of our rain videos and let the soothing sound of the rainfall wash away your worries. If you need a pick-me-up, check out our motivational videos featuring inspiring speeches and stories. Or if you're in the mood for some light-hearted fun, we have a selection of hilarious videos sure to make you laugh out loud. And if you're looking to learn something new, we have educational videos on a variety of topics that will broaden your horizons. So whatever you're in the mood for, Ambient Sounds has the perfect video for you. So sit back, relax and enjoy! Details

Video Bible Study by David E. Pratte


Study Bible Truth: Learn Jesus' Teaching - Video Bible study: lessons, classes, sermons, and studies based on Scripture. Join us to learn about Jesus Christ and His gospel message of salvation and eternal life. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte. #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #morality #values #faith #truth #family #home #marriage #government #education #school #gospel #children #parents #morals #ethics #Scripture Nothing on our videos is intended or should ever be construed to justify or to in any way incite or encourage personal vengeance or physical violence against any person.

The Bible on BrainRot


This channel's mission is to shine a light in the digital wilderness by pairing the timeless truth of Bible scripture with the chaotic tide of brain rot. We aim to deliver positive, godly messages to a world drowning in mindless noise—offering hope, reflection, and redemption, one video at a time. This content with scripture will always remain 100% free and accessible to all, a personal devotional project and gift to the public. How far this project goes, is all up to the supporters of @rumblevideo Premium. Future plans for this project will involve different translations of the bible; some require a copyright fee. Other future ideas will have translations in Spanish, Portuguese, & other languages. We'd like to make versions of the bible with different types of brain rot underneath, there's already been requests for subway surfers and COD. With that said, if you'd like to support this project, consider joining Rumble Premium by clicking the red button.