北美保守评论 Verified


“北美保守评论”是由一群生活在北美的重生得救的基督徒组成的,在IRS注册的非营利性组织。 我们的异象是传播和捍卫基督教保守主义价值观,造福个人、家庭、社区和国家。我们将通过YouTube频道,对北美的时事,从基督教保守主义理念出发,及时做出合乎中道的评论。 网上阅读:开卷有益 第四章 读经与祈祷 http://nacr.info/WordPress/index.php/... 《募捐启示》本刊自2020年5月创立以来,一直依靠的是全体同工义务的摆上,我们没有接受任何政治团体和组织的捐赠。目前在北美像《北美保守评论》这样的基督教保守主义华文媒体平台屈指可数,为了维持这个平台,并扩展事工,我们需要一部分资金添置必要的设备和软件。盼望得到读者朋友们的帮助。 谢谢,愿神赐恩惠于您。(请注明您的姓名和电邮,以便我们寄送收据): Zelle:nacr2021@gmail.com PayPal: PayPal.Me/NAConservative "北美保守评论"网站: www.nacr.info/WordPress 电报群(Telegram):https://t.me/NAconservative​​​​​​​​​​... 推特(Twitter):https://mobile.twitter.com/naconserva... 脸 书(Facebook):https://www.facebook.com/100052658047... 帕勒(Parler)@NAconservative :https://parler.com/profile/NAconserva... GAB: @NACR :https://gab.com/NACR​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Baker's Green Acres Verified


See life on a small family homestead where we raise chickens, Mangalitsa pigs, dairy cow, beef cattle and more in a natural, regenerative way. Anyone Can Farm! And you can accelerate your own homesteading or small farm skills in the online and on-farm classes we offer. Enjoy the information we offer here, and contact us or check out our website to learn how you can dive deeper into the homestead and small farm skills. We do offer livestock and farm products from time to time to help you start your farm or homestead experience OR to help you start enjoying the benefits of real farm-raised food. www.BakersGreenAcres.com How to Homestead

True Crime Documentary | Murder mystery


Welcome to our channel featuring documentary stories and real crimes! We bring you accounts of mysterious disappearances, shocking criminal acts, stories about offenders, and thrilling investigations that have captivated the US and the world. We're grateful for your interest and support! Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more compelling content! Attention! The content featured on this channel is strictly of a documentary, informative, and narrative nature. All case-related information has been sourced from diverse online platforms! The creator does not conduct personal investigations, has no intention of offending anyone's sensibilities, and refrains from promoting any unlawful activities! Certain visual elements incorporated in the video have been obtained from publicly accessible internet repositories and are utilized in compliance with the CC0 Creative Commons license, adhering to the principles of fair use and proper attribution.