Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight—Republican Majority Verified


The footage in this video is from a west-facing camera at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. This camera footage is the first of many the Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Oversight will be posting exclusively on Rumble. Certain clips throughout the day will appear blurred during specific times when USCP personnel manually zoomed in the camera. The blurring effect was added by the Subcommittee before publishing where a private citizen's face becomes recognizable. This is to protect the identity of private citizens from doxing. Additionally, the time stamp for each individual clip is included in the title.

Orlando Owen


Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen auf meinem Rumble Kanal, Mein Name ist Orlando Owen und ich bin Deutschlands führender Männlichkeitscoach und Mentor. Ich veröffentliche jede Woche Videos zu Themen wie Mannwerdung, Selbstwertgefühl, Beziehungen und vielen anderen spannenden Themen. Lass mich gerne wissen, was Dir das jeweilige Video gebracht hat und schreibe Deine Fragen in die Kommentare! Wenn Du mehr erfahren möchtest und wenn Du vor allem wissen möchtest was Du in Deiner Situation konkret tun kannst besuche uns auf oder schreib uns eine Email an Ich freue mich Dich bald persönlich kennen zu lernen. So long, dein Orlando



SIAMO DENTRO UN TRUMAN SHOW? ABBIAMO SOLO TRE RISPOSTE 1) Nessuna civiltà raggiungerà mai un livello di tecnologia in grado di creare realtà simulate. 2) Nessuna civiltà che abbia raggiunto una tecnologia cosi avanzata produrrà una realtà simulata pur potendolo fare, per una qualsiasi ragione, come l'uso della potenza di calcolo per compiti diversi dalla simulazione virtuale, oppure per considerazioni di ordine etico. 3) Tutti i soggetti con il nostro genere di esperienze stanno vivendo all'interno di una simulazione in atto.

High Magick Practices and Techniques


Step into the enchanting realm of occultism, rituals, high magic, Qabalah, and Western traditions. Our channel is dedicated to exploring the depths of esoteric knowledge and unveiling the secrets of ancient wisdom. Join us as we provide step-by-step guides on performing specific magical practices. From the creation of powerful sigils to the art of spellcasting, astral projection, and meditation techniques, we'll be your trusted guides, unraveling the intricacies of these mystical arts. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or an intrigued newcomer, our channel is a sanctuary for seekers of esoteric knowledge. Discover how the ancient teachings of occultism and magical practices can be applied to modern-day situations, personal growth, and self-improvement. Subscribe and embark on a journey of self-discovery, as we uncover the practical applications of occult knowledge. Prepare to unveil the extraordinary power that resides within you. 🕯 💜 Patreon: ⁠⁠ 💌 Donations: 📢 Twitter: ⁠ 📺 Youtube: ⁠ 📸 Instagram: 🎥 Tiktok:

Universal Magick


A long time ago innovations were attributes of special people who in their experiences brought inventions to humanity, and were called magicians, witches or sorcerers. Many people created solutions that problem makers hated so much that, in order not to lose the enslavement of those who believed in these dominant people, they freely killed inventors. Then the ideal of democracy arrived and in its application it presupposes that we all have the same freedom to express ourselves, as long as we do not commit crimes. But it seems that finally tyrannical people can't stand the questioning and seek to censor anyone who expresses their thoughts, however absurd it may seem in their time. Thus, this channel seeks free expression mainly of innovative postures, also to criticize us, all people who are members with the objective of supporting us to find solutions to each problem that is presented to us.