Deep State Mapping Project


Official video platform of D.S.M.P. and it's creator, Dylan Louis Monroe. The Deep State Mapping Project (D.S.M.P.) is a civilian led intelligence operation contained within a contemporary art installation. We are working in concert with the Patriot Alliance and the Galactic Federation to bring about the awakening of humanity, and manifest a new golden age of civilization. Through the dissemination of downloads, flyers, posters, apparel, videos, and written materials, we are educating people about their world, and dissolving the lies and illusions of the Matrix “system” built around us.

The Phillip Scott Show Verified


The Phillip Scott Show will dive into the world of Hollywood, TV, Sports, the Internet & Music industry. We aren't gossiping about celebrities but will attempt to bring common sense and balance to what's presented. Celebrities influence trends, lingo, and perception on a worldwide scale. We will challenge the influence and hidden messages that's being conveyed. We also will interview people to bring clarity or ask tough questions. Make sure to subscribe and click the notification bell so you know when we upload. We thank you for visiting our channel.

War in Ukraine - Latest Events, Maps, POV from the Frontline


I will be providing daily updates and in-depth analysis of the latest events, from multiple sources and perspectives. My aim is to provide a comprehensive view of the situation, giving you a better understanding of the complex issues at play. I will also be offering exclusive content and behind-the-scenes access to my reporting process, including interviews with key figures and experts in the field. As a patron, you will have access to all of this content and more, including a daily summary of the most important developments. Your support will help me continue to produce high-quality content and bring you the most important news from Ukraine. Thank you for considering supporting my channel, and I look forward to bringing you the latest updates and insights from this important region.

Love & Relationships Conversations


Welcome to Love & Relationship Conversations Podcast with your Hosts : Michael White & Anthea Morphitits. We provide insight on modern dating, romantic relationships and healthy friendships By reacting to dating videos and relationships And reacting to them. We believe a relationship needs these 3 core foundations to work principles respect, love. Send collaboration requests to: or Dm us @Loveandrelationships.podcast



Fala familia! Sejam todos bem vindos ao POMPSCAST! Um programa semanal com convidados polêmicos, em entrevistas divertidas, falando sobre a vida, curiosidades, música e muito Rock n´Roll! Venha conhecer o "Lado B" das entrevistas. Espero todos vocês lá! IS WE! PompsCast Apresentação: Marcello Pompeu (Korzus) @pompeukorzus Equipe: Phellipe Sousa (PHD Studio) Eduardo Lime (Ecrators) Hugo Yuri Pace (Mega Vibes Eventos) Júlio Negrini (DOA SOM) Canal CORTES DO POMPS: PompsCast no Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok @pompscastoficial #pompscast #marcellopompeu #korzus #entrevistas #podcast #shorts #rocknroll #musica #heavymetal