

For all of your PRIMETIME news bulletins of the day in the drama and Crama community. Please like and subscribe for community news and more! **FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY*** Donate to support the show: **COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER** Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is a fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use. THANK YOU ALL! ~PRIMETIME James~ #LYCANLEGION

Eastern Orthodox Daily Calendar


This channel is dedicated to everyday readings of the lives of the Eastern Orthodox saints. If you like it, please show your support by liking the videos, leaving a comment, and subscribing. All the saints, pray to God for us! Please note: The dates of the feasts, celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church, are marked with (N.S.) - "New Style". Этот канал посвящен ежедневным чтениям о житиях святых православной церкви. Если вам понравились видео, прошу поддержать канал лайками, комментариями и подпиской. Всии святые, молите Бога о нас! Примечание: даты памяти святых, празднуемые Русской Православной Церковью, обозначены пометкой "по новому стилю" (по н. ст.).

John Camillo and Lolly Cunningham Antics


This channel is here on Rumble to keep the content safe from YouTube's monopolistic TOS. Rumble is the exact same technical experience as YouTube. Download the Rumble app and join. I use both platforms freely. They each have their strengths and weaknesses Twice he drove from NJ to MS...imo trying to get himself included in sick Lolly's Will...turns out on the second trip there is no Will or Power of Attorney, no papers that mentions him at all (We will post all content we record! "Member's only" pay walls be damned! Fair Use)