Defenders LIVE with Lora Thorson Verified


Our mission is to grow defenders both on and off the range. We advocate for personal responsibility, encourage personal growth and help people develop competency with context through education. We cover everything from mental toughness to fitness to techniques on the range and everything in between. Defenders LIVE is affiliated with Defenders USA, a defensive training company founded by Adam Winch and hosted by Lora Thorson, a Defenders USA instructor.

TranquilTunes Live


Welcome to the soothing sanctuary of our live relaxation music channel! Immerse yourself in an oasis of gentle melodies and serene atmospheres that will transport you to a world of calm and tranquility. From cozy cafes to natural landscapes, each note is crafted to accompany you in moments of disconnection and inner peace. Let the magic of live music carry you away as you explore a carefully curated repertoire spanning from smooth jazz to the most comforting acoustic chords. Tune in with us and let music be your companion on this journey to relaxation and well-being. Welcome to your new destination of musical serenity. ¡Bienvenido al refugio sonoro de nuestro canal de música en vivo relax! Sumérgete en un oasis de melodías suaves y atmósferas serenas que te transportarán a un mundo de calma y tranquilidad. Desde acogedores cafés hasta paisajes naturales, cada nota está diseñada para acompañarte en tus momentos de desconexión y paz interior. Déjate llevar por la magia de la música en directo mientras exploras un repertorio cuidadosamente seleccionado, que abarca desde el jazz suave hasta los acordes acústicos más reconfortantes. Sintoniza con nosotros y deja que la música sea tu compañera en este viaje hacia la relajación y el bienestar. ¡Bienvenido a tu nuevo destino de serenidad musical.