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Johnny Somali


ONE OF THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL AND BLACKBALLED STREAMERS ON THE INTERNET IS NOW ONLY ON RUMBLE! ► Donation ($3 TTS) ► Join the Channel Membership ON LOCALS! Support Johnny Somali! ► SOCIALS ► INSTAGRAM ► TIKTOK 미국 유튜버 조니 소말리 johnnysomali ジョニーソマリ #ラムジー・カリド・イスマエル #迷惑系配信者 johnny somali #소말리 #조니 소말리아 #조니 소말리아 #조니 소말리



Welcome to the "Angler's Paradise" channel! Join us on an unforgettable fishing adventure in the vast blue water. In this channel, we will take you to exotic locations, from calm rivers to deep oceans, where we chase big fish and create unforgettable memories. Find hidden secrets in water full of mystery and magic. Watch exciting battles as we battle water monsters, and learn expert tips from seasoned anglers on successful techniques. From choosing the right gear to mastering the perfect casting technique, we'll help you improve your fishing skills. Not only that, we will also share a delicious recipe for cooking fresh fish that we just caught. Enjoy special dishes prepared with love and creativity, combining fresh and appetizing flavors. Come join our passionate community of fishing enthusiasts and bond with fellow anglers from around the world. Get inspired by interesting stories about the most memorable catches, and share your own experiences and tips. So whether you are a beginner just getting into fishing or an expert looking for a new adventure, the Fishing Fanatics channel is the perfect source of inspiration and entertainment to satisfy your passion for fishing. Subscribe to the channel now and witness the natural beauty, thrill and excitement of fishing in each of our episodes. Come on, cast the hook and start your fishing adventure with us!

Nikola Tesla Videos


Nikola Tesla, one of history's most remarkable inventors and visionaries, was born on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan, which was then part of the Austrian Empire and is now located in Croatia. He is best known for his pioneering work in electrical engineering and his contributions to the development of alternating current (AC) power systems. Tesla's early education took place in Croatia and Austria, but his real journey began when he moved to the United States in 1884 to work with the renowned inventor and businessman, Thomas Edison. While Edison focused on direct current (DC) power systems, Tesla believed that alternating current would be more efficient and practical for widespread electrical distribution. This disagreement led to the "War of Currents," where Tesla's AC system eventually prevailed as the superior technology for transmitting electricity over long distances. Among Tesla's most significant achievements is the invention of the induction motor, a groundbreaking technology that enabled the practical use of AC power in motors and machines. His AC motor design became the foundation for modern electric power generation and distribution systems, revolutionizing the world and powering the Second Industrial Revolution. Tesla's genius was not confined to electrical engineering alone. He had a vivid imagination and a deep understanding of electromagnetism. Throughout his career, he filed numerous patents and developed a range of innovative devices, including the Tesla coil, which is still used today in various applications, such as radio technology and high-voltage transformers. Beyond his scientific accomplishments, Tesla was an enigmatic figure known for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle. He had a photographic memory and a unique ability to visualize and design complex inventions entirely in his mind. Tesla was also fascinated by the concept of wireless communication and envisioned a global wireless communication system, a concept that bears striking similarities to the modern internet and Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, despite his brilliance, Tesla struggled with financial difficulties and often faced challenges in securing support for his ambitious projects. As a result, some of his ideas and inventions remained unrealized or were overshadowed by others who took advantage of his work. In his later years, Tesla's contributions to science and technology were recognized, and he received various accolades and honors. However, he spent his final years in relative obscurity and poverty. Nikola Tesla passed away on January 7, 1943, in New York City, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire scientists, engineers, and inventors to this day. His ideas and inventions have shaped the modern world and remain a testament to the power of human ingenuity and curiosity.



Kort om Vinnarskolan: Syftet med Vinnarskolan är att ge folk de verktyg som behövs för att kunna bli sina bästa versioner, något som inte är helt lätt i dagens värld där störningsmomenten och de kortsiktiga belöningarna är fler än någonsin. Alexander menar dock att det är fullt möjligt att övervinna dessa hinder som står i vägen för ett framgångsrikt liv och att vägen dit går genom att bit för bit ändra sina vanor. Det är det som alla former av personlig utveckling bygger på. Vinnarskolans vision är därför att ge folk utomordentliga verktyg till självförbättring så att de med tiden kan formas till de bättre människor som bygger morgondagens samhälle. För varje samhälle är en spegelbild av alla de människor som utgör det och vill vi ha ett bättre och livskraftigare samhälle så måste individerna som utgör det bli bättre människor. Besök därför gärna hemsidan ”” där jag löpande kommer att lägga ut poddar, filmer och artiklar som berör det mesta inom personlig utveckling. Helt gratis dessutom! Gillar du Vinnarskolan och det jag gör? Donera då gärna en slant till antingen Swish: 1236397772 eller Bankgiro: 5188-3304 Ditt stöd betyder oerhört mycket för mitt fortsatta arbete i att driva, utveckla och förbättra Vinnarskolan. Stort tack för din gåva! Alexander Söderberg Ordf Vinnarskolan