The Ragged Patriot's salute to amazing americans


A page where any american can go, on one of those dark and dreary days, when the ai bots found the perfect thing to leaves you feeling hopeless and afraid, somehow knowing where to find the buttons normally only family should be able to divine.... these are my counters to those trolls and clockwork\'s dark manipulations, things that i find that can even give me hope and that reminds me every step they take towards blood and ash, the more people are jolted awake and come flocking back (i hope lol)... stay true, stay bright and remember millennials on down, im talking to you, our generations have perfect empathy but we have to remember that not just victims wear shoes but so do the wolves and if we can imagine what its like to be someone else in pain surely we can imagine the perpratrators joy and pretitory nature , surly we can imagine the possibility not everyone is good and one day what might happen if a leader stumbles into power corrupted, with evil in their heart... actions not words are all that matters, and if someones words never stay in one place maybe its time to stop counting on them to be where they say and wake the f UPPPPP!

KneeCaps Archive


Reuploads of removed videos from the YouTuber KneeCaps (and his second channel O'Knee-San) I am not KneeCaps, I am just a fan reuploading videos he has removed, go support him on YouTube. KneeCaps: O'Knee-San: All of the videos I have downloaded are uploaded to an account. All of the livestreams I have downloaded are also uploaded to an account.

2.8K Likes Medical VR Total Knee Surgical Simulator Demonstration - Wraith-VR - Ghost Medical Medical Animation & VR Surgery - Ghost Medical 2,47,180 Views 2019 3 Jul Download and try for yourself - New surgeries are coming soon for the Oculus Quest 2. Vi


2.8K Likes Medical VR Total Knee Surgical Simulator Demonstration - Wraith-VR - Ghost Medical Medical Animation & VR Surgery - Ghost Medical 2,47,180 Views 2019 3 Jul Download and try for yourself - New surgeries are coming soon for the Oculus Quest 2. Visit: Ghost Productions releases the first public demonstration of Wraith VR Surgical Simulator featuring OmniBotics robotic assisted total knee surgical technique. Creative Medical Director, Nic Wiederhold, shows off the advanced features of our highly functional surgery simulation based training program using the newly released Medical VR application on the Oculus Rift S.


1 Follower

Dieser Kanal ist der offizielle Kanal des Skateparks in Neetze. Wir haben vor 8 Jahren unser Debüt auf YouTube gefeiert und die damalige Freiheit genossen. Vor 8 Jahren haben wir jedoch auch das letzte Mal etwas auf YouTube gepostet, weil es mit der Freiheit steil bergab ging. Nachdem YouTube nun (19. Okt. 2023) mit Gewalt gegen Nutzer von AdBlockern vorgeht, während nicht zuletzt vor unser letztes unmonetarisiertes Video gleichzeitig extrem anstößige Werbung geschaltet wurde, verabschieden wir uns endgültig von YouTube und freuen uns über die kreative und künstlerische Freiheit auf Rumble. Seit die ersten Follower hier und die ersten, die YouTube nicht mehr mit ihrer Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit belohnen. Übrigens: Im Skatepark in Neetze ist jeder willkommen der den Park hinterlässt wie er ihn vorgefunden hat. Also, kommt skaten! - Jasper