Missouri Freedom Initiative


The Missouri Freedom Initiative (MOFI) is a grassroots organization dedicated to promoting the following ideals in Missouri's culture and legislature: The US Constitution, The Missouri Constitution, all causes that promote Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for all Missouri residents including but not limited to: lower taxes, property rights, the right to bear arms, school choice, pro-life, and many more. We do not promote the right/left paradigm, we simply promote liberty in the spirit of the American founding fathers. Join us on our bold mission to make Missouri a bastion of freedom and to reject political and cultural tyranny from any source with an emphasis on exposing and ending political corruption at all levels in Missouri politics.

Kritische Aufklärung über Organtransplantation e.V.

1 Follower

KAO ist eine Initiative, gegründet von Eltern, die ihre verunglückten Kinder zur Organspende freigegeben haben, ohne die Hintergründe zu diesem Zeitpunkt genau genug zu kennen. Erst nachdem unsere Kinder beerdigt waren, haben wir begriffen, wozu wir ja gesagt hatten. Wir haben begriffen, dass lebende Organe nicht von Menschen entnommen werden können, die so tot sind, wie wir es uns vorgestellt hatten. Wir haben unsere Entscheidung daher bitter bereut. Durch unsere Zustimmung waren unsere Kinder in ihrem Sterbeprozess, in dem sie unserer besonderen Liebe bedurften, ungeschützt allein gelassen und einer Organentnahme überantwortet, die uns hinterher wie das Ausschlachten eines Autowracks erschien. In dieser Situation haben wir uns entschlossen, durch Aufklärung dazu beizutragen, dass andere Eltern unter ähnlichen Umständen davor bewahrt werden, unvorbereitet wie wir mit der Frage der Organspende konfrontiert zu werden. IMPRESSUM siehe https://Initiative-KAO.de/impressum/

Kingdom Initiatives Empower The Truth


Kingdom Initiatives - Empower The Truth. To reach and introduce an unexpected world to the knowledge and power of the Spirit of God. Serving and partnering with the Kingdom Of God as we walk unhindered in Christ's Prosperity, Power, and Authority through Obedience and Love. Matthew 4:4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 22:37 And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your hear

Scorpions Initiative Anti-Globalist Freedom Fighter Core.


WE Are The S.I.A.G.F.F. Core (Scorpions Initiative Anti-Globalist Freedom Fighter Core). This Is Our Website And App. We Are A Union Of Conerned Citizens Who Were Formed To Rival The Globalist Union Of The One World Government And Their Personal Attack Dogs The Seven Nation Army Detachment. We Enlist Regular Citizens And Provide Them With Training Education And Expertise To Defend All That Is Good And Just In Our World Against This Common Enemy That Is On Our Doorstep Looking To Destroy All We Know And Care About. Take A Stand Defend Your Families And Countries Enlist With The Scorpions Initiative Anti-Globalist Freedom Fighter Core And Become The Globalists Unions Worst Nightmare. Be The Difference Enlist With Us Today!!