Investigation Center UKR LEAKS


I'm Russian. I’m one of those millions of Russians who was born and lived the whole life in Ukraine. School, institute, army... From 1999 to 2018 I was the employee of Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU). Most of my life I worked as an operative. From May 2014 up to the beginning of 2018. I worked in the Central office of the SBU at the headquarter of the antiterrorist center. Since April 2014 I have provided assistance for Russia’s special services. I have made up my mind on ideological bases and absolutely selflessly. The reason is the Maidan events in late 2013 and early 2014. I am convinced that it was coup d’etat in Ukraine. People came into power pursue anti-national and criminal aims. This authority is not mine. Understanding of the situation taking place in Ukraine led me to the idea of counteracting. I love Ukraine. But where there are no killings of innocent for the fact that they express opinion different from others. And while this authority will be in Ukraine I will continue to fight the power. By all possible means. I'm free from any commitments and I'm starting my own project. Journalism became my calling. I write books and investigate. On my website I will expose the crimes and lies of the villains who seized power after the Maidan events. Welcome to Vasily Prozorov Investigation Center.

My Investigation


Q: Why did i Commence the documentary? A: Around January/Feburary 2020 I saw an article on the news stating the Australian Government was in talks with Youtube to remove anything that included 5G and Corona virus - which I thought was strange. I never saw any reference to the subject again in the Media. Then clips saved in my Youtube folder started to be removed that had no reference to 5G, but instead conspiratorial based themes surrounding George Soros, possibly funding South American people to appear to walk to the USA. The suggestion was that this was a set-up photoshoot. I was also lucky enough to be introduced to the issues with the PCR test early on. It was clear that there was something wrong so I started saving clips.

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Sars-cov2 investigations and Politics


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3/22/2023 5:15 PM TO THE AMERICAN CITZENS WE THE PEOPLE, ONE OF THE PEOPLE THE STATE AND NATION THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. SISTER STATES IN HARMONY. 1/ High felony treason by breaking our laws down and complete failure of honoring the oath and preserving the Constitutional police powers, 2/ 2183 US title 18. high felony treason by a cop/ two or witness when a cop failure to honor oath and the supreme law of the land. 3/ the cop bad cop SUBJECT MATTER that is stupid now subject to a lawsuit under these cases, A/ operating under the color of law, lawsuit 42 US and other case. B/ Owen v Independence 100 Vol , supreme court reports 1398 {1982} C/ Main v thiboutot 100 Vo;. suprema court case reports 2502 {1982 officers of the court have no immunity when violating Constitutional right from liability, D/ Title 18 US cod sect 241 E/ and 242, subject to charges and fines. F/ Title 42 US code Sec , 1983 , sec 1985 and section 1986 clearly established the right to sue anyone who violates our Constitutional rights. AND TO ALSO FILE A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT TO THE DA OFFICE TO ARREST THE VIOLATOR. G/ The Constitution guarantees THAT who would unlawfully jeopardize your life liberty and property loses property to you and that’s what justice is all about. 1/NOW IF THESE ELEMENTS OF A CRIME IS THERE 2/ THEN YOU CAN MAKE A CITZENS ARREST 3/ DETAIN AND HOLD AND MONITOR BY LESS FORCE, TO TAKE INTO CUSTODY FOR THE CITZENS ARREST TO BE HANDED OVER TO A LOCAL SHERIFF. SEE LINKS ON THE WISDOM AND FACTS/ DISHONORING THE FAILURE OF PRESERVING OATH AND SUPREME LAW IS A FELONY CHARGES ESPECILLY OF THEY DISREGARD ON CAMERA AND OR WITH TWO OR MORE WITNESS OF FAIURE OF PROTECTOING HONORING OATH AND THE SUPREM LAW AND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE AND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, file:///C:/Users/Kirkland/Desktop/March%2017%202023%20files%20work/CARL%20MILLER%201=1-%20(1).pdf H/ Kirkland discovery and real law. 14798803369 14793369084

Tenebris Investigations: Descubre los secretos más oscuros


Sombras Inquietantes" "¡Bienvenidos a Sombras Inquietantes! Un lugar donde el misterio y el terror se entrelazan en una danza macabra. Sumérgete en lo desconocido, explora lo inexplicable y descubre los secretos más perturbadores que acechan en las sombras. Prepárate para sentir escalofríos, para desafiar tus miedos más profundos y para abrir las puertas hacia lo sobrenatural. ¿Estás listo para adentrarte en este mundo de enigmas y susurros de ultratumba?"