Gabriel Cruz Research Verified


The new home of Gabriel Cruz Research. If you suddenly noticed my YouTube channel disappeared, that's no error. YouTube deleted my channel permanently. You can find YT archives uploaded here in the future... Linktree CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds: PayPal: Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube: Email:

Padre Gabriel Amorth


Relatos de exorcismos reales del Padre Gabriel Amorth, sacerdote católico y exorcista italiano, conocido por su experiencia en la práctica de exorcismos. A lo largo de su vida, escribió varios libros que tratan principalmente sobre temas relacionados con la espiritualidad, la fe y el fenómeno de la posesión demoníaca. Aquí te relatamos varios #PadreGabrielAmorth #Exorcismo #EspiritualidadCatolica #FeCristiana #LuchaEspiritual #LibrosCatolicos #Exorcista #Cristianismo #OracionPoderosa #BatallaEspiritual #ReligiónCatólica #VidaEspiritual #MisteriosdelaFe #TestimoniosCatolicos #Mal y #Bien #Vaticano #SabiduriaCatolica #PazInterior #EsenciaCristiana #PadreAmorth

DicioTech - Por Gabriell Dassi


Sou Gabriell Hernandes Dassi, e esse é meu canal! Este é um canal em que eu compartilho minhas experiências com produtos Tech, celulares, computadores, e outros periféricos, comento sobre lançamentos e produtos que eu adquiro. Temos Unboxings, Opinando lançamentos e análises sinceras dizendo realmente se o produto é bom. Enfim, só vendo pra crer! :D Se curtir meu conteúdo se inscreva e mande sugestões de produtos doidos para testar e sugestões de quadros novos!!! Contato: Equipamentos que uso: Câmeras: LG G6 LG G8x ThinQ Logitech C920 Microfones: BOYA BY-M1 BOYA BY-MM1 HyperX Solocast

Daniel Adams Reacts Verified


Welcome to Daniel Adams Reacts! Daniel Adams is an Apostle to the nations, leader of The Supernatural Life global ministry, and a passionate influencer for Jesus. On this channel, we will react to the hottest topics—from breaking news in politics to the latest in pop culture and beyond. Join us as we navigate the complexities of our world with a focus on truth, faith, and insightful commentary. Subscribe for engaging reactions, thought-provoking discussions, and a community rooted in faith and authenticity!

• Apologetics • Evangelism • Theology


▶ I\\\'m from Norway, living in Slovakia, married, ex.footballer, now self-employed. I wish to present the logic, rationality, evidence materials, and arguments for the Christian faith. Or, as many non-believers think it really is; a blind faith in an old, bearded, evil, sky daddy. \n\n"GOD has NO pleasure in the death of the wicked; but rather that they turn from their ways and live." (Ezekiel 33:11) \n\n I work a daily full-time job, but my goal is to do ministry work part-time. I created a tier called for fun "Buy Me 1 Cup Of Coffee Every Week" - it\\\'s not about coffee, but about keeping me in part-time of doing ministry work. If you find value in my content, and are able to (no pressure!) - PRAYFULLY consider to support me on Patreon, Paypal, or Subscribestar. \n\nI\'m on Rumble because I don\'t speak the language here in Slovakia, so its hard to spread the Gospel here - but I do speak English. So... Dear Rumble; Jesus rose again!