Zeil Libertas Ch. Verified


Indie VTuber/VRumbler Playing games, making stuffs with wood and resin, having fun! RTE (Road to Enjoyment) and Chat Policies: 1: Number one and the most important: Treat others as you'd like to be treated. Simple, right? Let's keep it simple. 2: Please, no backseating during gaming streams unless I explicitly ask for help. It'll be obvious. 3: Please, no spoilers. That goes for me as well. 4: If you see someone saying something you don't like, just block them. It's the path of least resistence when it comes to your enjoyment. 5: As a general personal rule, I don't like banning anyone. However, there may be extreme exceptions. For example, If you're spewing obvious spam in chat, you may be banned based off my discretion. Obvious bots will also be banned. Ruiners of fun for everyone are also at risk of the bonkhammer. 6: Don't bring up other streamers/VTubers in chat unless I initiate that discussion and please don't do the same about me on other streamers chat. 7: Let's have fun hanging out!!!

RGB Lightning in a Bottle for the liberal Left


Cinematography and SFX I’ve worked personally hard to pick out every sound with care to create this fictional sound track of the Jesus King Arthur Clone Colonel John Arthur of the patriotic fictional US Sci-fi Movement In cinema and art that I have made and designed since i was 12. [Now in my thirties.] I am currently working to build real functioning sets as part of home theater setups then record them. My family is related to John Rolfe and we love Jesus. You should love well too.

Brasil Liberal


Brasil Liberal é uma iniciativa que tenta contribuir com os brasileiros para que tenhamos mais conhecimento e, por consequência, mais apreço a liberdade e a democracia. O Brasil nunca foi um país livre de fato. Pagamos hoje, mais em impostos ao nosso próprio estado, do que pagávamos à coroa portuguesa. Que país é esse? Já perguntava Renato Russo... Vamos juntos descobrir o caminho da prosperidade, já experimentado por muitos países no mundo. Não somos diferentes, só somos puxados para trás por pessoas que tem visões e conceitos que, já não deram certo inúmeras vezes, mas que, inexplicavelmente, ainda são fortes em nossa sociedade.