Elevated Nature Sounds


Welcome to Elevated Nature Sounds Channel What is a sound frequency? Sound frequency refers to the rate of vibration of sound waves per unit of time, measured in hertz (Hz). These waves are created by the movement of an object, such as a guitar string or a vocal cord, which causes pressure changes in the surrounding air. These changes in pressure travel through the air as sound waves, which we hear as sound. The frequency of a sound wave determines its pitch. Low frequencies produce low-pitched sounds, such as a bass guitar or a rumbling thunderstorm, while high frequencies produce high-pitched sounds, such as a bird's chirp or a whistle. Our brain and body respond to sound frequencies in various ways. For example, low-frequency sounds can induce feelings of relaxation and calmness, while high-frequency sounds can create a sense of alertness and focus. Certain frequencies have also been shown to have therapeutic effects on the body, such as reducing anxiety and promoting healing.

Estúdio 5° Elemento


Um debate franco e aberto acerca das questões das humanidades, tais como filosofia, arte, política, comportamento, passando por educação, família, religião, entre outros temas – sempre fundamentado em valores universais e nos princípios que formaram a civilização ocidental. Esta é a proposta do Programa Quinto Elemento. A cada edição, Arthur Machado, Leonardo Trielli Marnoto, Carlos de Freitas e Filipe Trielli, apresentarão um convidado diferente (o quinto elemento), a quem caberá dar o tom da conversa.