Zdrowy Kanał


Zdrowy Kanał Dla Ciebie - Dla Organizmu - Dla Ducha. Zdrowie, Miłość i Radość Budować Świadomość Polaków. Przekazywać Informacje Zdrowotne. Misją aTVBe jest dotrzeć do wszystkich, możliwych: konferencji, sympozjów, festiwali zdrowia tak aby można było przekazać wiedzę zdrowotną dla wszystkich Polaków. Pragniemy dawać informacje w celu możliwości poszerzenia świadomości zdrowotnej ludzi tak, aby nam się lepiej żyło. "Miłość, Zgoda, Chleb, Sól i Woda" - Tadeusz Rolnik "Fikcja Literacka" - dr Jerzy Jaśkowski "Włączamy Myślenie" - dr Hubert Czerniak "Czego Ci Lekarz nie powie" - "Czyńmy Dobro" - Jerzy Zięba „Bo człowiek bez pasji, nudzi swoją duszę” - prof. Andrzej Frydrychowski "Chory pogląd na zdrowie" - dr Adam Przygoda "Co profesor to teoria" - lek. med. Andrzej Więckowski "Lepsze jest wrogiem dobrego" - Zdzisław Oszczęda Kręcimy się blisko ZDROWIA a często trafiamy w sedno. BYĆ MOŻE JEST TO NAJZDROWSZY KANAŁ RUMBLE W POLSCE ! Serdecznie Pozdrawiamy 😃 Zespół aTVBe

Tomorrow's World - Rumble


***** This is not an official Living Church of God channel. This channel is maintained by a Living Church of God member who is solely responsible for its content. The official Living Church of God Internet site is at http://www.lcg.org ***** Tomorrow's World helps hundreds of thousands of people make sense of the world through the pages of the Bible. Using the truth, prophecies, and hope of God's Word, Tomorrow's World is helping people understand the world we live in. Tomorrow's World publishes a weekly television program that airs on stations around the world, including WGN, WORD, COWBOY, and a host of local stations. You can see a full television listing here: https://www.tomorrowsworld.org/tune-in. These programs can also be found on this Rumble channel, though, modified to suit our YouTube audience. Tomorrow's World is sponsored by the Living Church of God as the primary outreach effort to preach the gospel to the world and warn of troubles coming as a result of mankind's disobedience to God. Check out my other channels: Tomorrow's World Viewpoint - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3280540 Tomorrow's World Answers - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3317108 Tomorrow's World Whiteboards - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3287546 Living Church of God - Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3488236



Welcome to the official channel of HuskeyDrums! Each video on this channel features a high-quality audio and video recording in which I perform a song in its entirety. I strive to capture the energy and spirit of the original track, emulating and paying homage to legendary drummers, and occasionally adding my own interpretation when appropriate. All drums are played live by me, Matthew Huskey, and no triggering is used. I strive is to inspire and teach other players. I want to share my knowledge and experience with others who are passionate about drumming. Hopefully, I can contribute in my own small way in the continuing process of inspiring a new generation of drummers to continue the legacy of this incredible instrument. So if you're a fan of music and drumming, or just looking for some great covers to add to your playlist, be sure to subscribe to this channel and join me on this journey to create the best drum covers on Rumble!