Addis Dimts
9,479 FollowersAdvocate for Amhara people human right
Advocate for Amhara people human right
Vox Populi aims to shift the Overton Window and the national culture by providing ‘the right lessons’ to the public, specifically cutting across the stultifying group-think and monoculture of modern media, and ultimately forcing political parties to respond to our agenda.
Mufa Pufa will do everything possible to convey your joy and love, combined with special colors through the art of slime and other colorful things. Host: Drago Reid Greetings, fellow seekers of the unknown, and welcome everyone to the “Portal to Another Dimension” podcast, and you've just stepped into the portal. I’m Drago Reid, your Host and formidable navigator through the cosmic mysteries that lie beyond the depths of our understanding, and the uncharted and unexplored territories of truth. So sit back and enjoy the ride as I peel back the veil of reality, where each episode becomes your portal to unlocking forbidden knowledge, the secrets within, and the keys to awakening that lie dormant within you. Buckle up my friends, because everything you thought you knew will change from this moment on, as I unravel and unweave the threads to the cosmic play and this convoluted multiverse. Welcome to Humans 2.0. Welcome to the new reality. Now before we deep dive into the depths of the cosmos, let me share the genesis of why I created this podcast. While being a truth and consciousness seeker most of my life, this has unfortunately made me a target from the government, as I’m the result of illegal and unacknowledged government programs. Through the power of my voice, they’ve shadow-banned, de-platformed, and deleted me so many times, that no matter what they do, I always come back with a vengeance, as I will no longer be silenced. Stepping forward like this comes with its dangers and risks, including death. I will no longer live in fear and stand idly by, as I watch the world implode on itself as truthers like me are vanished faster than a blink of an eye with a simple push of a keystroke from behind a computer, or the echo of a 45. My two Near-Death Experiences and Out-of-Body journeys, triggered by a violent motorcycle crash hitting a wall at 120 miles per hour, and another car crash, totaling my Honda S2000 drift car, resulted in severe brain damage, many broken bones, and a legal diagnosis of “Traumatic Brain Injury - Post Amnesic Disorder with Retrograde Amnesia, and a form of Savant Syndrome”, which inadvertently rewired the neurons and axons in my brain, and as a result of that head trauma, fortuitiosly gave me unexpected side effects involving numerous cognitive upgrades, a dramatic boost in IQ, claircognizance, and a unique ability to perceive time in slow motion, allowing me to see over 200 frames per second at any given time, while the average person accesses only 24-60 frames per second. With this super power and newly found faculty, I can see and process time faster than 99% of the entire planet, as evidenced in my Neuropsychological evaluation test, proving these abilities on record. Thats means I can see what others cannot. Embedded codes and patterns, micro expressions, anomalies, frequency changes, heart rate fluctuations, lies; these are just a few of the gifts bestowed upon me. That makes me a quantum wizard like Dr. Strange, as we have the same abilities. Follow me down the rabbit hole as I decode the universe's secrets, one guest at a time. Witness the magic of what a bump on the head can do, as we journey together and uncover the hidden truth behind the magicians trickery. Explore with me the whispers of ancient civilizations, from Anunnaki to Atlantis, as I unravel esoteric knowledge collected from a lifetime of study. This expedition into the unknown does comes with risks. All great journeys do. Discover the hidden dangers as we navigate through the minefield of suppressed history, secret societies, and mind-bending conspiracies. I will teach you how to identify symbolism, the real subconscious language of the gods, hidden and displayed openly to the masses everywhere you look, but only the few adepts will see the hidden codes, reshaping their reality. Join me in exploring the secrets of extraterrestrials, and the elusive Unacknowledged Special Access Programs controversy. Through riveting interviews with luminaries, insiders with classified knowledge, whistleblowers daring to speak the truth, archeologists unearthing ancient secrets, experts in classified government programs, pioneers, and artists, shaping and molding the very material of this holographic universe, we together, illuminate the shadows from those who conceal the truth from the public. As a Secret Space Program SPEC ops experiencer, MILAB abductee, and polymath, my journey spans ufology, astrobiology, exo-politics, consciousness, the quantum realm, and much, much more, drawing from over two decades of professional deep dive study and worldwide travel, spanning 18 countries, and my lifelong involvement in the Monarch/MK-ULTRA program since a child, made famous in the Stranger Things and Fringe series. Being a trauma deprogrammer for Project MK-ULTRA, Monarch, and various other illegal government programs, using Dolores Cannon’s - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, or QHHT, I navigate the astronomical tapestry arming myself with adept research and deep investigation into unacknowledged realms, allowing me heal, re-integrate, and release trauma from clients like no other has done before. “Portal to Another Dimension” isn't your average podcast; it's a gateway to the unknown, and is a risky venture into realms that some want to keep hidden. They will keep these secrets at all costs. This isn't a journey to the stars; it's a plunge into the depths of truth and the human soul. Step into the portal with me, where every episode unfolds a new chapter in the cosmic saga. And remember, together, we are the resistance, together, we will defeat them. The portal is opening, and your mind and frequency is now attuned. Are you ready to step through it?
9ème Dimension, souhaite partager avec vous honnêtement et à cœur ouvert, nos observons et connaissance des évènements qui se produisent devant nos yeux. Si les « grands médias » faisaient leur travail correctement, nous n’aurions pas comme tant d’autres, le besoin de construire des plateformes, avec cette énergie consacrée à ce souhait fervent de questionner la vérité, au niveau de nos observations et de nos compréhensions. Nous pourrions choisir de fermer les yeux et avoir l’illusion de ne plus voir, ne serait-ce que pour nous-mêmes. Mais le monde s’assombrit toujours plus et le regarder ainsi se perdre dans les méandres obscurs est accablant, sans doute parce que nous avons encore une certaine conscience et un peu d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'humanité. Devant le mal qui sévit, se taire est un crime. Pourrions nous une fois encore nous tenir droit et inébranlable dans notre vie ? Quel honneur de participer humblement à cette grande bataille « entre le bien et le mal », au cours de cette grande époque. Une chance d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'être témoin d’un nouveau siècle qui au devant nous illumine et nous guide. Nous espérons cheminer avec vous jusqu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'au jour ultime, lorsque la lumière se révèlera pleinement, pour nous éclairer de toute sa splendeur!!!
Addis Dimts. Abebe Belew. Addis Dimts Abebe Belew
Emotional Healing Any Lifetime And Present Life. Super Soldier, Milabs, Men In Black, MkUltra And Anything Else That Wants To Be Healed.
Speak your truth even when your voice shakes
کانال عبدی مدیا خبرنگار مستقل
In short, I believe I have built a model of Albert Einstein’s four dimensions and the math that goes with it. Please just watch this video: Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla four dimensions I have attached additional photos and links. If I am wrong, please say so. This are Freemason symbols. The six-pointed star (Jewish Star of David) is mathematically E = Mc² = 2πR = 2π/6; Dia. = 1, Cir. = 3 = π [Einstein\\\'s Law of General Relativity and 1st Dimension in Positive Infinity]. The 5-pointed star is 2π/5 (pentagram) or 2π/5 = 2π/6 = 2πR = E = Mc². The swastika is considered sacred in the native American’s Zia Pueblo, as it represents the father of their people. Almost all organized religions have the same sacred geometry/math. Caverna da Pedra Pintada (Painted Rock Cave (in Portuguese)), is an archaeological site in northern Brazil, with evidence of human presence dating ca. 11,200 years ago. On the wall of one cave there is a perfect 6-pointed star. Please prove my video is wrong.
I work in the higher existing Realms or frequencies as a conduit or "bridge" to facilitate connections for those choosing to live a higher vibrational way of life. I am available to work with those who request energy healing techniques especially at the etheric level in the energy field surrounding the body.
Making the world a little less messy.
Audiobooks with text and illustration(s), half were dramatized with sound effects and music. Audiobooks Dimension channel will focus on audiobooks from important literature of mankind. These including legend, drama, story, poetry, poems, fairy tales, fable, knowledge, and works worth study. This is a backup channel of Use headphone for best experience.
Capturing the experience of making and selling slime.
VIDEO DEL PERIODO DEL GOVERNO REPUBBLICANO DEL 47°PRESIDENTE USA DONALD JOHN TRUMP INIZIATO DAL 20 GENNAIO 2025 cagacazzi e rompicoglioni non sono graditi sul canale e verranno costantemente bannati da volete cagacazzare andate su youtube o andate su altri canali,che internet è grande..grazie L'ITALIA💩 è REPUBBLICA DELLE BANANE per queste caratteristiche: una repubblica delle banane ha una società di classi sociali estremamente stratificate,di solito una grande classe operaia impoverita e una plutocrazia della classe dominante,composta dalle élite economiche,politiche e militari.La classe dominante controlla il settore primario dell'economia attraverso lo sfruttamento del lavoro;,il termine repubblica delle banane è un descrittore peggiorativo per un'oligarchia servile che favorisce e sostiene,per tangenti,lo sfruttamento dei lavoratori,delle imprese e l'elusione fiscale all'estero su larga scala Una repubblica delle banane è un paese con un'economia di capitalismo di stato,in cui il paese è gestito come un'impresa commerciale privata per il profitto esclusivo della classe dominante I video hanno lo scopo di intrattenere ed informare la gente.. il presidente della Repubblica italiana ha detto:"Va sempre rammentato che i giornalisti si trovano ad esercitare una funzione di carattere costituzionale che si collega all'art.21 della nostra Carta fondamentale, con un ruolo democratico decisivo. Si vanno infittendo, negli ultimi tempi, contestazioni, intimidazioni, se non aggressioni, nei confronti di giornalisti, che si trovano a documentare fatti. Ma l'informazione è esattamente questo Art. 21 COSTITUZIONE TUTTI hanno DIRITTO di manifestare LIBERAMENTE il PROPRIO pensiero CON la PAROLA,lo SCRITTO e OGNI ALTRO MEZZO DI DIFFUSIONE CANALE DI VIDEO PLAYLIST SU YOUTUBE: CANALE RUMBLE VIDEO DEL PERIODO DEL GOVERNO DEMOCRATICO DEL 46°PRESIDENTE USA PEDO JOE BIDEN SVOLTO DAL GENNAIO 2021 AL DICEMBRE2024:
This channel is to help empower men, build their confidence and to ensure that masculinity never leaves this planet we call Earth. If you are easily offended then this channel isn't for you and go watch a Blue-pilled channel. Now, welcome to "The RED Dimension"; enjoy.
Khadim-E-Sayada (s.a) - All Momeeneen Are Requested To Subscribe The Official Channel Of Khadim-E-Sayada (s.a). The Purpose Of Making This Channel Is To Promoting Azadari Of Shah-E-Mazloom-E-Karbala.
new age
Join us as we explore the wonders of the world's only Multi-Dimentional living text, The Bible, and other things like the super-natural, UFO's, conspiracies, and Video Games.
Weekly videos to expand your mind. Aerial videos of amazing places to help you explore the world. Powerful podcast clips to help you explore reality.
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