Delora OBrien - The Gathering Verified


FAITH. FAMILY. FREEDOM. Delora and her husband Dennis worked in full time pastoral ministry in a large church in New York for over 20 years where they were overseers for many outreaches and ministries. God called them to LA in 2006, and Delora opened for Prophet Kim Clement's meetings and worked in the entertainment industry as a talent manager, screenwriter and producer. Delora has been a truthseeker and dispenser of unadulterated truth since she was a young girl and now she combines truth with Biblical principles and prophetic insight.

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We are here to expose the lies of the fallen ones, arrest them under Jesus Christ's authority and to bring them to the foot of the throne of our King to be tried!!! 👇👇👇 2 CORINTHIANS 10:4-6 (decoded Greek paraphrase): For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful in the spirit and utilized for the destruction of fallen angel/occult/illuminati ideologies. We are destroying calculative deceptions and all exaltations of heavenly bodies (sun, moon, stars, planets...and worship, thereof) that attempt to elevate themselves against and above the fame of Yahweh, God and King of all. We are seizing, taking captive, arresting, and exposing every demonic and rebellious deception and place them at foot of the throne of Jesus Christ...our King! We are always ready to defend against and avenge these unto completion and the end of this age!