The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens Verified


From The Night Owl News to The Scripture of the Day - Dee Stevens shares this and much more with you! Go to to find out more! Show Stores: and Buy NONA Butter from USBeesInc: Don't Forget Your Honey Too: In Memory Of Lucky Get Started on Webull with 4 FREE stocks! Have a Blessed Day! If you would like to make a donation you can do so here: Sign up for the Tiger Network today by clicking here: Follow me on Facebook: Follow me on Twitter: Look for me on Twitch TV here: Look for me on Gab here: Help Free Speech Stay Free On 8Kun Donate Here:

The De-escalation Coach


Why is De-escalation so important? No one wants to see an individual in our care escalate towards crisis. What’s needed is a plan and toolkit of de-escalation strategies to call upon when we recognise the individual is spiralling. These tools can help regulate the emotions driving the behaviours, reduce risk, and ensure they feel supported. An individual can show heightened levels of arousal and signs of anxiety. They may have their hands over ears, be hiding or withdrawing, rocking or tapping, or perhaps refusing to do what they have asked. Some individuals will have much more subtle signs that they are beginning to feel agitated. We can play detective to spot these signs and recognise patterns in their behaviour to better understand why they feel distressed and how we can best support them. Often these behaviours are “low level”, however, if we do not respond to them, they may develop into crisis.

Couponing With Dee


Hi everyone, I’m Dee! Welcome to my life of couponing. I’m here to teach you how to save money and how easy it is to coupon. I will show you how to use digital, paper, and store coupons to maximize your savings. I'll even show you how to get free items! Pair them up with apps that give you actual cash back into your bank or PayPal accounts. I’m a mother of 6 beautiful daughters and grandmother of 2 handsome grandsons. I enjoy gardening, more like homesteading, and couponing. Let’s take this couponing journey together . Thank you for watching & subscribing!!💜💙

Deer Hunting Cajuns


Hog hunting, wild pig trapping, and deer hunting videos with all the fun in between. We enjoy hunting, laughing and spending time in the outdoors with family and friends. In our videos you will see hog hunting, deer hunting, tips, tricks and venison preparation. Subscribe, like, comment and watch real hunting scenarios from us to you, the common hunters around the world. #hoghunting #trapping #deerhunting #deer #hunting #cajun #roadkill #wildboar #lori #deerhuntingcajuns