Light of the Menorah: Messianic Congregation


Established in 2009 and Growing We are a Messianic congregation that seeks the presence and leading of the Ruach HaChodesh (Holy Spirit). We are more than a congregation, we are Mishpacha (family). We worship, pray and study together, hold one another up in times of need and celebrate together in times of blessing. In this family, there is always room for more! What We Believe We are followers of Yeshua (Jesus) and welcome the entire body of Mashiach (Messiah). We worship Adonai (the Lord) at His appointed times, celebrating His Shabbat (the Sabbath) and the feasts and festivals that He has established. We strive to live in obedience to Torah (Instruction) and make it an integral part of our lives. You are Welcome Here At Light of the Menorah, all are welcome. Services are held in English, Russian and can be translated into Spanish. Here we are all one in Messiah and look forward to the time that every tongue, tribe and nation will sing His praises together.

Congregation Roeh Israel Verified


Roeh Israel today, is a congregation of Jewish and Gentile believers in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Congregation Roeh Israel was started by Eliezer Urbach while he was working for Chosen People Ministries. It began as a small home fellowship and grew quickly from there. Within a few years this small home fellowship had outgrown Eliezer’s living room, and in 1980 he was moved by God to start an independent congregation. In 1980, Roeh Israel was born. Burt Yellin was called to be the Pastor/Rabbi in 1985, where he still serves the Lord today. In 1991, Bill Berg was called to be the Associate Pastor, where he served until he went to be with the Lord in December 2018. What began as a fellowship has now grown to some 300 people.

The Congregation of YHWH - Irving, TX


The Congregation of YHWH is a small ministry located in Irving that brings in multiple families and brethren from the North Texas area together each sabbath. It is here that these congregates take up their scriptures and meet to discuss, study, and listen to The Word delivered by the board members. All Peaceable Persons are welcome to attend services here, as it is a safe and enriching environment that boasts participants from all walks of life. Please come and join us as we take part in reading the word of YHWH from the wonderful beginning in Genesis, to the enthralling end in Revelation.

Congregation Zion's Sake Verified

1 Follower

Congregation Zion's Sake is a Messianic Congregation where Jew and Gentile worship together as ONE! We minister in biblical truth by sharing the Jewish Messiah "to the Jew first" as outlined in Romans 1:16 and by bridging the gap between today's believers, their Jewish roots and Biblical heritage. God commands us to be a "light unto the Nations", to evangelize Jews and Gentiles alike, making them "One" in Yeshua. We are seeking God unlike any other time in Biblical history through His word, worship, dance, and praise. We celebrate all of the Biblical designated times that God has put into place for us, including the holiest appointed time of them all, the Shabbat (Sabbath). Leviticus 23