Survival Dispatch Verified


THE TRUTH IS A FOOTNOTE, FIND IT HERE Join Survival Dispatch News as we navigate the challenges of Urban Survival through the lens of Christian warriors, equipping you with the skills & mindset needed to thrive in these uncertain times. On Dec 15th, 2023 YouTube disabled the video sync connection to Rumble. None of our survival/prepping videos were synced to our Rumble channel after that point. From July 18th, 2024 forward only our news videos are posted on our Rumble channel. Our survival/prepping videos remain on YouTube at this point in time. On July 24th, 2024 YouTube suspended our news channel for violating their medical misinformation policy by stating 5G towers emit microwave radiation, which is 100% true. No scientist (or person with half a brain) will argue against this fact because 5G frequencies fall in the bands of microwave radiation. This is simply not up for debate. It does however show how evil the Technocrats are at Google and YouTube. It’s also a good example of how they actively suppress the truth on topics that go against their narratives. Thank you for following Survival Dispatch and thank you for supporting our sponsors. When you support our sponsors it allows us to bring you more high quality content.

Two Cats Video Production Verified


Прямо сейчас настоящие новости важнее, чем когда-либо прежде. Поддержите честную альтернативную точку зрения ТОК ШОУ В ПРЯМОМ ЭФИРЕ Ваша финансовая помощь будет способствовать возрождению журналистики и поможет защитить наши свободы для будущих поколений. ZELLE: PAY PAL: TELEGRAM КАНАЛ: TELEGRAM ЧАТ: МЫ НА Фейсбуке Мы на YOUTUBE здесь : МЫ НА TWITEER МЫ НА TWITCH АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНЫЙ YOUTUBE Контактный email:

Pred Gets Caught


Welcome to Pred Gets Caught! Here, we showcase real moments of justice as the we catch those attempting to do wrong. Our mission is to expose those people and also people accountable, and highlight the triumph of truth and integrity. If you're passionate about justice, accountability, and seeing the right thing prevail, you’re in the right place. Subscribe now to join the movement and never miss a moment when justice is served! Stay tuned for real stories, bold actions, and a whole lot of truth!

Pedos Caught


Welcome to Pedos Caught Thank you for joining our community dedicated to raising awareness and exposing the dangers of predatory behavior. Our goal is to protect vulnerable individuals, inform the public, and promote safety for all. We take a stand against harmful actions and believe in holding those #who engage in such #behavior accountable. #Always hunting for the bad people #Child safety awareness #Protecting children online #Preventing child abuse #Child exploitation prevention #Safe internet for kids #Child protection services End child abuse #Online predators awareness #Help for child abuse victims #Support for abused children #EndChildAbuse #ProtectOurChildren #ChildSafety #StopChildExploitation #PreventionIsKey #ChildProtection #SafeOnline #EndOnlinePredators #KidsDeserveSafety #NoMoreAbuse #ProtectKidsOnline #StopChildTrafficking #SayNoToAbuse #ChildAbuseAwareness #SafeguardChildren #StopPredators #ChildrenDeserveProtection #EndChildSexualAbuse #SpeakUpForKids #ZeroToleranceForAbuse