Street Politics Canada
613 FollowersNews about the happenings in politics and society that the MSM would rather hide from you.
Police For Freedom Canada
306 FollowersPolice For Freedom wishes to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all citizens equally.
9 FollowersVancouver Canada Police - Crimes Against Humanity
8 FollowersThe Vancouver Police Are Part Of The Evil Globalist Agenda, As Are Most All Justice And Health Institutions.
New Acropolis / Nouvelle Acropole Canada
7 FollowersPhilosophy has always been a search for spiritual truth, a process of going more deeply into the knowledge of nature, the human being and the universe. Every act of searching is at the same time an exercise of freedom of consciousness in opposition to ignorance, confusion and the prejudices that prevent calm and deep reflection. For us, Philosophy is an innate attitude in human beings. Our task is to enable that innate attitude to be expressed in actions that will allow us to develop our full potential and improve our world. We propose a practical philosophy that will be useful for each individual and for society. We do this not only through reading, studying and theoretical knowledge, but also by setting ourselves the goal of learning to live well, with strength and efficiency, at every moment in our lives; taking advantage of the opportunities that arise and learning something positive even from adversity. This is what we mean by «Philosophy as a way of life».
5 FollowersPodcasts describing the influence of the mainstream media and government destroying our country