Carol GibsonGirl Verified


I’m the daughter of a Korean Vet. I love Jesus and my country. I believe Americans must unite and resist this evil. Accept Christ into your heart and life, trust God and do not fear the evil ones trying to take America from the inside. We are living in an amazing time in history, realize the opportunity to lead people to Christ and away from the cult worship of climate and global communism (liberals think it is a utopia). We must stand against the war mongering, corrupt politicians! Let’s stand together for God, America and the children. God Bless America

Rocky Mountain Pro


The official Rumble channel of Rocky Mountain Pro "Pro Wrestling...ELEVATED" See tapings of Charged LIVE at Bierstadt Lagerhaus in Denver, CO! See tapings of Ignition LIVE at Wimmer Arena in Englewood, CO! #RMP is #ProWrestlingElevated! Catch our weekly flagship series #Charged on the FITE TV app, at (8pm Mountain/10pm Eastern), and Right Now TV (check listings at Catch our weekly live program Ignition every Thursday right here on YouTube (6:15pm Mountain). Merchandise can be found for RMP and our training school, Al Snow Wrestling Academy-Rocky Mountain, at and



El canal de COORDINA SALUD promueve, apoya y fomenta la difusión y creación de eventos contra una plandemia Eugenésica con precedentes en el NAZISMO. En este caso se asocia a <<UNION PRO SALUD Y DERECHOS >> Y ayuda a una sociedad maltratada por una plandemia eugenésica que sólo persigue unos fines claros contra la sociedad humana. Espacio de exposición y debate abierto donde exponer y expresar libremente todas aquellas cuestiones científicas, sociales y humanas referidas a las necesidades generadas por la crisis sanitaria actual.