BardsFM (Official Channel) Verified


War is the teacher, soldiers its students. Faith and Knowledge the greatest weapons of war. Through stories, we reshape the narratives to strengthen our resolve, awaken the truth, expand our vision beyond the limits of the Matrix and bring us closer to God. In the end, God wins. • • • • • • • • ABOUT The Host: Scott Kesterson, of the internationally known podcast BardsFM, discusses how truth, faith & getting back to our centre-point is critical in winning this war on humanity! Scott is also the founder & owner of Xpedition Cafe – producing documentary films & podcasts on the 3 principles of warrior culture: Conviction, Righteousness & Ruthlessness. Scott has had many AMAZING speakers on his explosively popular podcast such as ... • Dr. Sherri Tenpenny • Dr. Lee Merritt • Dr. Larry Palevsky • Dr. Carrie Madej • Dr Eric Nepute • Dr Jim Meehan • Robert F Kennedy Jr • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Del Bigtree of The Highwire & many, many more! Welcome to the Bards FM Family! And always remember ... GODS WINS!!! • • • • • • • • Address: Xpedition Cafe, LLC 780 NW Garden Valley Blvd. #64 Box 133 Roseburg, OR 97471

The Patriot Barbie Show Verified


Welcome to The Patriot Barbie Podcast, the compelling conservative answer to the leftist woke mob. Lindsey Graham is the nationally recognized salon owner from Oregon who refused to comply with tyranny during lockdowns and has won the nation over with her authentic and unapologetic voice for American liberties. She empowers listeners with faith-infused, freedom-steeped content, sparking unbridled enthusiasm for God and America. Lindsey is the unwavering voice of truth-seeking, liberty-loving women on the right and men on the front lines. She is a fierce right-leaning mama bear, a successful entrepreneur and a red blooded patriot, but this definitely isn’t your average mommy blog. This is a place where conservative Christian values are held sacred. This is a place where faith, family, and liberties are protected with unrelenting grit and grace. This is where Americans listen in, and find their own strength to take a stand! Please subscribe, leave a great review and share with your friends. Thank to my sponsors and partners. Find out more on and follow Lindsey on Instagram at @the.patirot.barbie

Barbarian Mowz Verified


I'm Barbarian Mowz, the leader of the Barbarians clan! I play a LOT of niche games and I do whatever I want on this channel, but you can expect gaming, comic book talk, retro games, news about games I play, and reviews of games that I enjoy here. I don't have a concrete permanent schedule but 70% of the time you will be able to catch me between 12PM-4PM eastern if I'm streaming that day! Or not. Who knows? I'm a mid-20s Scientist with an Undergrad specializing in Game Design! I also have a lot of informal education on a wide variety of topics and am a lifelong student. Talk to me about gaming, science, science fiction, fantasy, politics, or even horror! I will openly share my opinion and openly listen to yours in good faith. Links to other Barbarians on Rumble: Barbarian Bullet - B. Nick D.R. - Kinny - Lesserdoom -

The Kathy Barnette Show


It's time for the Truth. Are you ready? Since her time as the National Grassroots Director and Senior Advisor to the Vivek Ramaswamy Presidential Campaign, Kathy Barnette is already onto her next mission to save our great country, in a new role, as Founder and President of Be Better America Strategies. Kathy is an author, veteran, former adjunct professor of corporate finance, wife, homeschooling momma bear, and the 2022 Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. She is also the host of The Kathy Barnette Show.