Burger Girl Beginner + Dance Tunes & Games


Hi i am Miss Danielle the Burger Cat from "Old Zeeland. I made this channel so i have a place to keep and share my own music. Welcome to my music channel hope you enjoy the tunes and thanks for any encouragement and also thank you for following. I was mis-diagnosed Bipolar now nutty drug free and alive again my wings are mended and not broken anymore. I have a warm heart healthy mind im kind gentle sweet and friendly and full of love and life once again. Lithium is a dangerous poison when administered to the mentaly fit and it attacks the mind the body and imprisons your soul and brainwashes you. One day i will share my story on going through a broken mental health system ran by psychotic mental health rookies who are far from experts. Mental health should cease to be an experiment conducted by monkeys. Strive to make life better not worse. Glad to have my healthy dopamine receptor back in action to provide the room with positive healthy warm loving and cosy vibes sprinkled with creativity and talent. I make music to make me feel good , encourage myself when others dont , i get satisfaction , fulfillment , and proud of my own music. It also keeps me positive and raises my self esteem. I want others to feel what i feel and feel emotions and most of all to inspire others. I want to meet new people and build positive relationships with peoples. My name is "Danielle i am 35 "years old and born in the year of 1988! + I "permanently quit " smoking marijuana and my mind is so clear and im always feeling happy now and healthy and i love making music and i am a steam gamer and also collect movies on DVD and i have a Sega Genesis collection too and a small Japanese MD collection with a cute Japanese Model 1 console. I like to do gardening and to go for walks and exercise. I like to make cute music for cute people to also inspire people who like music. You don't know you have it until you work at it and discover your talents : ) * My favorite tv shows are *Gilmore Girls and *Pawn Stars and one of my favorite movies are Mrs Doubt fire. I like Comedy's , Drama , Horror , Paranormal movies about ghosts and are a fan of Ghost Adventures the television show. Thanks for the kind people who have stopped by my channel. Thanks for the comments the likes and the followers and the kind words. I love making music and decided Rumble is the best place to do my music and the people here are better to interact with more critical thinkers and people who think outside the box and less strange liberal people who are bananas on YT. On YT the ppl and the staff kick your cup over and people spit , snarl & hiss! at you more then they say hello and something nice. Rumble is my new home my kind of people <3 <3 <3 If you find my home please say hi i want to meet new people and get to know people and break out of my shell and i hope to inspire others to make music if you love it you might be able to do it. Its something that can be taught and you dont need to have a voice to make music <3 <3 <3 Love you guys / girls thanks for 18 followers <3 <3 <3 <3 I have a grey tabby cat 3 years old now her name is Lola she is a cool cat she is anxious like me and she doesn't like picked up same too , I have earned her trust i hope so i can wag her tail and pat her little tummy but she will never let me pick her up , she is a great cat and is unique maybe 1 of a kind. My previous cat was called Gidget / Gidgy she died Octoberpuss 2015 and my first cat was called Ginger she died in 1998 and was my best friend who went on adventures together through the mud under the house through the trees and was there every time i had chocolate museli bars in gold wrappers when it was snack time. I still think about Ginger all the time and when i see Wiskas cat food im reminded of my friend Ginger Cat. Thought i would add some games to the channel as Bonus content since i love games. Im thinking point and click games , golf eagle shot clips , Full motion video games. Not gonna lets play big games but will do some of the old point and clicks and fmv games and sometimes some random forza races or a fun mission from Gta V. Mostly short games will appear once in a while or a mission ect..... This channel remains a dedicated music channel all about my music / my hobby passion , but with some gaming sprinkled in for fun since i own lots of them and dont mind doing short games like point and clicks or a bit of golf. Im dedicated to music so the ratio will lean heavily towards my music videos but every once in a while i will play a game for fun that i like from my games library. I have some point and clicks i like old ones new ones that i desire to film playthroughs of every once in a while. If you're here for the music dont worry the music will remain the bread and butter of my channel and will make up the majority of the content that appears on the channel. Next year if i get a camera i plan to hopefully open a second channel to do with Make up , Fashion clothes that i buy hand bags , nail polish videos ect If that channel goes well i may make that one the one where i put most of the games for the near future so the music stays the focus of this channel for the future. So look out for the Fashion , Make Up and Games channel in the near future since i love buying clothes and make up and games. Also love to take photos of nature so sometimes photography on the new make up fashion channel. Gotta get a camera next year first though.