Beekeeping For Newbees


This channel is dedicated to educating both new and experienced beekeepers alike. The primary objective is to supplement our podcast with video instruction and demos of things that we discuss. Welcome and please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you! Episode List: Episode 0 - The Pilot Episode 1 - Intro And What To Expect Episode 2 - The Beekeeper’s Tools Of The Trade Episode 3 - Ordering Your First Bees Episode 4 - Hive Components From The Ground Up Episode 5 - End Of The Overview Part 1 Episode 6 - End Of The Overview Part 2 Episode 7 - Hive Placement And Installation Episode 8 - Your First Inspection Part 1 Episode 9 - Your First Inspection Part 2 Episode 10 - Swarm Season And Expansion Part 1 Episode 11 - Swarm Season And Expansion Part 2 Episode 12 - Recent Inspections And Interventions Episode 13 - Getting Social And Listener Emails Episode 14 - Expectations For First Year Colonies Episode 15 - Supplemental Feeding Episode 16 - Emails And Updates Episode 17 - Honey, Honey, and More Honey Part 1 Episode 18 - Honey, Honey, and More Honey Part 2 Episode 19 - Beat The Heat Episode 20 - Combining Weak Hives and Queen Intros Episode 21 - Free Hives In VA and Phoebe Stops By Episode 22 - Getting Ready For Winter Episode 23 - Introduction To Flow Hive Episode 24 - Suburban Beekeeping Episode 25 - Ian Steppler Of Steppler Farms Episode 26 - Prepping Your Gear For Spring Episode 27 - Opening The Overwinter Hives Episode 28 - Cuz I’m All About Those Splits, No Swarming! Episode 29 - Bees In The D (Detroit, MI) Episode 30 - Free Honeybees For All Episode 31 - What Happened To My Queen Episode 32 - Splitting And Expanding Episode 33 - It’s Cold Out - What Do I Do Now? Episode 34 - Mentors and Mentees, How To Be Good At Both Episode 35 - No Bull Splits, Just The Facts Episode 36 - Don’t Fear The Swarmer Episode 37 - DeWinterizing Your Hives Episode 38 - Swarm Traps 101 Episode 39 - You Get A Swarm And You Get A Swarm! Episode 40 - Growing Your Apiary With Two Frame Nucs Episode 41 - Why Won’t They Use All That Free Space? Episode 42 - Laying Worker? That’s Not Your Job Episode 43 - A Typical Year In Then Life Of A Beekeeper Episode 44 - Does Entrance Size Matter Episode 45 - Which Species of Bees Are Right For You? Episode 46 - To Feed Or Not To Feed, That Is The Question Episode 47 - Interview with Charlotte Wiggins - part 1 Episode 48 - Interview with Charlotte Wiggins - part 2 Episode 49 - Back Again Episode 50 - Varroa Mite Treatment Options