Zvanični Rumble kanal\nBALKAN INFO je nezavisna medijska produkcija osnovana u junu 2015. godine u Beogradu. Tu smo kao glas svih koji ne žele da budu deo kratkotrajnih projekata i saveza, svih onih koji poštuju srpske tradicionalne vrednosti i koji čuvaju sećanje na naše slavne pretke. Hrabri smo i odlučni u želji da se odupremo svima koji žele da okupiraju Srbiju i od nje stvore koloniju, a narod pretvore u bezlične poslušnike tuđih država i korporacija.\n\nHvala Vam puno što pratite naše emisije i što nam pišete Vaše predloge i sugestije kako da emisiju učinimo još kvalitetnijom. Sa nadom da će nas u ovoj pravednoj i plemenitoj borbi biti više, pridružite nam se i kontaktirajte nas na

Grant Cardone


Grant Cardone is the author of eight business books, thirteen business programs, and is the CEO of seven privately held companies. Forbes calls him one of the top social media business influencers in the world. Cardone founded and manages a real estate investment firm, Cardone Capital, with $5 Billion assets under management. He also travels the world consulting Fortune 500 companies, small business owners, startups and governments on business expansion. One of his enterprises recently hosted The 10X Growth Conference at Miami Marlins Park in Miami, Florida with over 34,000 business people and entrepreneurs in attendance from over fifty countries. Mr. Cardone resides in Miami with his wife, Elena Cardone and their two children, Sabrina and Scarlett. Visit for his latest blogs, news, tips, training, and where to catch him LIVE!

Forgotten and Abandoned Music


In the vast and ever-expanding world of music, some truly remarkable compositions and genres have been left behind by the relentless march of time. The Forgotten and Neglected Music channel is your portal to rediscover those hidden gems from a spectrum of once widely popular musical genres. Join us on a journey through the annals of musical history as we unearth and celebrate the melodies that time has all but forgotten. If you like the content, be sure to subscribe to the channel and like those songs you enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of our music is in the public domain. Under the Music Modernization Act of 2018 (Section 1401), all sound recordings published before January 1, 1923, entered the public domain on January 1, 2022.