Catherine Austin Fitts: The Red Button Story


Catherine Austin Fitts: The Red Button Story The Red Button Story Solari Report ... red button, then we can push the red button. By Catherine Austin Fitts. I have been getting requests for the Red Button story. So here are a variety of ... In the summer of 2000, Catherine asked a group of 100 people at a conference of spiritually committed people who would push a red button if it would ... Dec 20, 2010 — Would you push the red button and stop the flow of these illicit ... Fitts. You can also view the entire replay of the event here ... Dec 20, 2010 — Let's pretend there's a big red button up here on the lectern and if you push that button you can stop all hard narcotics trafficking. 14 hours ago — Catherine Austin Fitts Issues An Emergency Warning To President Trump- The Globalists Are Engaged In A Secret OMNI WAR Designed To Collapse ...

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Welcome to the Autism Parent Support Network, dedicated to supporting and educating parents of children with autism. Our mission is to provide you with the resources you need to navigate the unique challenges of raising a child on the autism spectrum, while also celebrating their strengths. We believe in empowering parents to be active advocates for their child's needs, and to be full partners in their child's care. We are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive community for all families affected by autism, and to promoting understanding and acceptance of autism in the wider world. Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you find the information and resources you need to support your child on their journey.