Kenshō Meditation And Sound Bath


Kenshō (見性) is a beautiful Zen experience in Buddhism, although not well known. Its meaning is “seeing the nature,” seeing our true essence, seeing into our true nature, or our Buddha-Nature. It is a profound, Mystical Awakening, Transformative, Transcendental Experience, or Enlightenment. This great Clarity of Kenshō is best achieved with daily meditative practices. We also encourage our listeners to prepare the body, mind and spirit by participating in the practice of Yoga, even if you’re a beginner, and be mindful of consuming healthy food choices. Yoga, along with meditation, can provide us with a deeper practice of focused breathing, can improve our health and wellness, and balance or unblock our Chakras (energy centers). All are important in our efforts to elevate ourselves, open our Third Eye, and become one with The Universe (Source) and Gaia (our beloved Mother Earth). Blessings and Love to you all. Namaste Namo Himalaya

Sound the Battle Cry


Sound the Battle Cry is a ministry that covers truth in all areas from a Biblical perspective. A light in the dark days of apostasy. About Nate: I used to be a death metal singer living in rebellion against God filled with anger, getting drunk, and doing what I wanted. In 2009, at age 23, I was saved by Jesus Christ after being convicted of my sin by some Bible verses and Christian books. I was born again and I am not the person I used to be anymore. From that point I had a strong desire to study the Bible and have been doing so by the grace of God ever since. My desire is that the teaching and preaching on this channel would glorify God, save souls, edify the saints, contend for the faith, and reprove the unfruitful works of darkness. Thank you for taking the time to come here to watch and read.

FrontLine: Battle Ready Network


Welcome to the FrontLine show on the Battle Ready Network with hosts Col. David Giammona, Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist Troy Anderson and Pastor Coco Perez. On the show, the hosts, along with featured guests, discuss world events and and unfolding biblical prophecies. Visit our websites to find out more: *Battle Ready Ministries: *Battle Ready Ministries Newsletter: *Col. David Giammona: *Troy Anderson: Giammona, Anderson and Perez are members of the Battle Ready Ministries Board of Directors. Giammona and Anderson are coauthors of the #1 bestsellers The Military Guide to Armageddon and The Military Guide to Disarming Deception.