The Adam King Show


The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations.

Página Um


PÁGINA UM é um órgão de informação, vocacionado sobretudo para a investigação jornalística e para a análise e reflexão de assuntos da actualidade com o objectivo de promover o debate público sobre temas de interesse social. PÁGINA UM é uma publicação online e digital independente, apartidária, não doutrinária e sem qualquer orientação ideológica ou de qualquer outra natureza. PÁGINA UM disponibiliza informação útil e factual, que responda aos interesses informativos dos cidadãos. PÁGINA UM conduz a sua acção pelo rigor informativo, apostando na diversidade de opiniões, e recusando perspectivas sensacionalistas. PÁGINA UM defende intransigentemente o espírito da Constituição Portuguesa e a vida em Democracia, bem como a Carta Universal dos Direitos Humanos, assente na completa liberdade de expressão. PÁGINA UM cumpre e respeita escrupulosamente o Código Deontológico dos Jornalistas e a legislação aplicável ao sector da comunicação social, actuando sempre numa base de boa-fé perante os seus leitores e as entidades públicas e privadas. PÁGINA UM apoia a divulgação de iniciativas de cariz cívico e que promovam o maior envolvimento dos cidadãos na vida do país.



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Sonshine International


Sonshine International, headquartered in Green Bay, WI, is a global ministry sharing the love of Jesus through faith-based teaching and encouragement that transforms hearts and minds all over the world. Caroline Klug, owner and founder of Sonshine International, is an author and speaker with a passion for sharing the love of God and the beautiful insights in His Word. She has one daughter, Kyra, and loves coffee, chocolate, and laughter. Caroline and her husband, Jim, live in Green Bay, WI, but in the warm summer months, you can find them sailing around beautiful Door County. Tiffany Thompson, a speaker at Sonshine International, is an author and speaker who is excited and intentional about falling in love with her Papa, His Son & His Spirit. She & her husband, Tim, have 4 grown children and 3 adorable grandboys. She loves family, friends, flowers, chocolate and talking, but cooking-not so much. You would be more blessed by her telling you a story.