822 FollowersBaptist Preaching | KJV Bible | NIFB Sermons | and Documentaries
Baptist Preaching | KJV Bible | NIFB Sermons | and Documentaries
This channel is dedicated to FAITH! Faith in Jesus Christ & building up faith in the Word of God! The King James Bible is the perfect preserved Word of God in English.
KJBRD is the place to get the podcasts and Bible studies of Bro. Robert Reynolds and Bro. Landon Dunn. Our podcasts include: The 2:15 Workman's Podcast (and) A Few Minutes In God's Book We are independent, moderately dispensational, King James Bible Believing Baptists.
The Peasants Podcast from Huntington West Virginia
Theological awesomeness for an age in decay. More at or
Our channel is amazing. It's true because I wrote this statement and I also make the videos. The channel is all about ditching the comforts of everything, and pursing the stuff that matters, that makes us stronger, better, and potentially wiser. I'm trying hard to make myself a Father and husband, you should too... assuming you are a Father and/or Husband that it.
Este Canal é dedicado a divulgação de Cantores, Ministérios e Bandas Católicas e Especialmente Dedicado a Todos Irmãos que desejam estar sintonizados no Amor de Deus através da Musica Católica. Se você é um Cantor Católico, tem Uma Banda Católica ou um Ministério que gostaria de divulgar, entre em contato, será uma grande alegria para nós divulgarmos o seu trabalho de evangelização! "O DOM MUSICAL, QUANDO COLOCADO A SERVIÇO DA FÉ E DA EVANGELIZAÇÃO, É UMA PODEROSA REDE DE PESCA" CONTATO TWITTER : @playcatolica
Dedicated to the King James Bible (the word of God in the English language for all the end-time English speaking people of the world.) Please contact Pastor Turner if you are a saved sinner or honestly seeking the Lord God according to His revelation in His word (the King James Bible) by writing with your comments or questions to
"For Such a Time as This" Event Videos - Aug 8, 2021
Bible Study and teachings
King James Bible 1611 Ministries Nederland is gewijd aan: 1. Het evangelie van de Heer Jezus Christus prediken, te vinden in de pagina’s van de King James Version. (Acts 26:22-29, 1 Corinthians 1:18-21) 2. Bijbelgetrouwe doctrines onderwijzen. (2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 2:2) 3. Het verdedigen van de perfectie van de King James Bible 1611, God’s Heilig geschreven woord. (Ephesians 6:10-20) 4. Het vertalen van belangrijk Bijbel studie materiaal voor onze Nederlandse broeders en zusters. (2 Timothy 1:8) 5. Het zijn van een medewerker, strijdende de goede strijd van het geloof, en belijdende een goede belijdenis voor vele getuigen. (1 Timothy 6:12)
Reading of the King James Bible done by Dillon Awes
King James Bible 1611 Ministries Netherlands is dedicated to: 1. Preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 26:22-29, 1 Corinthians 1:18-21) 2. Teaching Bible Faithful Doctrine. (2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 2:2) 3. Defense of the perfection of the King James Bible, God’s Holy written word. (Ephesians 6:10-20) 4. Translating important Bible study material for our Dutch brothers and sisters. (2 Timothy 1:8) 5. Being a fellowhelper, fighting the good fight of faith, professing a good profession before many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)
La versión de la Biblia King James con audio y dramatizada con audio y texto
Prayers and teachings for parents standing for the children's healing from autism spectrum disorder. For God is NOT the author of disorder but of peace - 1 Corinthians 14:33.
Aulas de Defesa Pessoal Krav Maga Caveira com o mestre Wesley Gimenez
Good Fight Baptist Radio is a 24/7 in internet Radio station of Good Fight Baptist Ministries, in Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines. Bro. Robert Reynolds is the director.
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