

Bem vindo ao canal Mundo AD! Nós do Mundo AD queremos levar curiosidades e entretenimento a todo Brasil via histórias contadas de maneira única. Aqui você verá tudo sobre o mundo em um formato de Top 10, Top 5, fatos interessantes e listas! Somos inspirados por canais como Você Sabia, Almanaque x, Refúgio Mental e Mundo Bizarro. Você tem uma ideia para um tema de vídeo? Deixe-nos saber nos comentários! Inscreva-se para não perder as nossas histórias recomendadas, sempre que publicarmos um novo vídeo! #mundoAD #curiosidades #top #entretenimento instagram @ayrondettmer facebook @ayrondettmer

O País do Futuro


O que nós, cidadãos comuns, que não somos políticos, podemos fazer para melhorar a política no Brasil? As eleições no Brasil estão chegando e você já parou para pensar o que precisa saber para escolher o seu voto? Sejam bem-vindos ao canal O País do Futuro, um ambiente para que possamos juntos entender como a política funciona e como definir o nosso voto, sempre de acordo com o que você acredita que é certo! Eu tenho certeza de que nós podemos juntos, com diálogo e respeito, fazer do Brasil O País do Futuro. Se inscreva no canal e nos acompanhe com vídeos novos toda semana! Siga também no Instagram: @opaisdofuturo e @andrecarrijoo

Nate Burruano


I am a 27 year old Multi-Asset Day Trader. I have been trading for more than 9 years now & decided to share my experiences along my road to success in the markets. I started initially trading with a custodial individual brokerage account at 16 years old with the consent of my father & haven’t looked back ever since. Once I turned 18 trading became an every day part of my life & I devoted most of my time to studying & developing the skillset I currently possess today. I studied Finance at DePaul University in Chicago, International Trade at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, finished my Finance Degree at the University at Buffalo & became a member of The Society of Technical Analysts at The London School of Economics instead of finishing my graduate degree. Thereafter I worked in a corporate Wall Street setting before landing my dream job in the IC. Ended up giving it all up to trade full time. I also teach ordinary 9-5’ers, college students, entrepreneurs, creators, & influencers how to become successful & consistently profitable stock traders. Former Financial Analyst & Intelligence Analyst I’ve traveled to more than 35+ countries while trading remotely from my laptop in many hotels/AirBnBs around the world.

Retirement News


Welcome to Retirement News! 🌟 Your premier channel for essential retirement insights and urgent financial updates. What We Explore: Hidden IRA Costs: 🔍 Uncover the sneaky fees that could be draining your retirement funds. Government Actions: 🏛 Stay ahead of policies that impact your investments. Market Trends: 📉 Learn how to safeguard your savings from market volatility and inflation. Self-Directed IRAs: 🛠 Master the rules and benefits to diversify and strengthen your portfolio. Subscribe to Retirement News for the latest articles and videos! Secure your financial future today. 🚀



Hi, My name is Kobe I decided to start this channel because I always loved mythical creatures definitely Asian Folklore like Son Wukong or Oni and Kitsune, I'm not too sure what made me like them more than other mythical creatures but it might be the story behind them and their powers or how Asian Countries have festivals around the Folklore. I also notice that not that many people know about all the different Asian Folklore, So I made it my goal to try and expand it and try to make it more popular. I truly hope you enjoy the video I make and that you start to get interested in Asian Folklore as well!!