Leonard Chesca
335 FollowersInițial o să transfer aici videoclipuri postate pe Facebook, unde parte dintre ele sunt cenzurate.
Inițial o să transfer aici videoclipuri postate pe Facebook, unde parte dintre ele sunt cenzurate.
Official Video Channel for the Visionary Ambient & Electronic Music Producer of 5 albums, The IQON, where sonic innovation meets intellectual artistry.
Just sharing videos and some information to ponder
This channel is not for the faint at heart. Come take a dive down the rabbit hole with eye opening content.
Le monde est en train de changer, qu'on le veuille ou non! La question est... de quel côté? Le Mal, le Bien? Je lance cette chaîne de Réveil, pour apporter ma propre vision des choses, sans prétention, sans autres buts que d'informer. Je laisse les commentaires ouverts tant que ceux ci ne sont pas déplacés ou haineux :-) Si après cette première vidéo, les retours sont positifs et qu'il y a une demande, alors je m'activerai à en réaliser d'autres :-) KIT ENERGETIQUE 👉 https://bit.ly/3j2ZksY MON BLOG 👉 https://www.la-pilule-rouge.com/ ⚠️ Je ne monétise pas ma chaîne. Si vous souhaitez soutenir mon travail (qui me prend un temps de dingue), vous pouvez le faire sur ce lien https://bit.ly/3uWOl9d toute aide est la bienvenue, 2€, 5€ c'est comme vous voulez 😉 merci à vous
EMPOWERING HUMANITY #MAGA #TheGreatAwakening #Truth For those who are consciously choosing to ascend, living life through the the HEART to heal humanity.
time lapse and photos
Channel focused on female bodybuilding, Fitness and CrossFit.
Financial Business Options
These videos are created by Star Nations News℠, your slternative news hub. For more info: www.starnationsnews.com/about/
A simple musician who just wants to get his music out there. Livestreaming musical covers and originals, and random thoughts. The Anti-Eilish. Just some guy with a guitar and thoughts, along with a blessedly rich family history of music. Most of them being honest, old-timey songs that still endure to this day. I ply my hand at Songwriter with average singing and guitar playing skills. But more than enough to hold my hold. Making music that draws on nostalgia, tradition, and truths. Ain’t much for post-production, nor production for that matter. If you can’t take it with you, can’t be much use.
Get Informed. Get Involved. Keep Texas Strong! You can make a difference in your family, in your neighborhood, in your community, in your schools, in your colleges, in our great state of Texas. KEEP TEXAS STRONG STARTS WITH YOU! DON'T SIT BACK, GET INVOLVED, SPEAK UP AND LEAD THE WAY!
Chest Thumper Outdoors is all about sharing my passion for bowhunting, archery, and the outdoors with you, my friends. It started at 13, I was flipping through channels on a Sunday morning and I happened on a hunting show. No one in my family hunted, it wasn't an idea I was familiar with at all, but that 30-minute time slot ignited a passion inside of me that will never be extinguished. Fast forward 5 years and Chest Thumper Outdoors is born. We've made some changes over the years, had some growing pains, and took some time coming into our own and really finding our own way of doing things. We may not be perfect, but we go outside, we hunt, solely for the love of it all. I hope we can help spark your passion and keep that fire burning. Thank you so much for watching.
Exposing the "Great Reset", the "NWO", and Satanism as the Hidden Religion of the "Elite"
Missouri Motors is a show about two guys playing with cars. It started on YouTube and is now on rumble as well.
time lapse and photos
New, used and NOS (new, old stock) parts for Airstream and Argosy trailers & Airstream and Argosy Motorhomes. Brought to you by P&S Trailer – trusted Airstream experts since 1968.
News That Defies Logic and Surprises the World!
True Stories / Tall Tales with Greg Kerber & Jude Goldman boldly explores innovative ideas, current controversies, and even fringe theory. Each episode of the podcast will take listeners on a journey into the details of intense subject matter and will look for the truth in our ever-complicated world. Kerber and Goldman will use humor—and their strong curiosity—in their engaging conversations with today’s most fascinating people.
Hello everyone I run a channel about cute and funny pets. Videos on the channel are released regularly. I wish you all a great mood. Subscribe to follow the cute pets and their jokes!)
WE Do It All Here! Reaction Videos, Games, Entertainment, Comedy And More!! Check me out on Youtube and Twitch Aswell
Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience or gives pleasure and delight. It can be an idea or a task, but is more likely to be one of the activities or events that have developed over thousands of years specifically for the purpose of keeping an audience's attention.
Echos of games we once cherished. Arcade Memoirs is a channel that creates retro video game showcases. Classic and obscure Playstation® games alike can be found here! Follow and stay tuned for a dose of nostalgia!
Just a casual gamer who enjoys hunting and fishing.
This channel is for KillerSmily's gaming videos.
The history of Cruzeiro Esporte Clube shown through important moments with the best image quality and accurate information.
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