Funniest animal videos of the year 2024


Welcome to Funniest Animal Ever, where laughter meets the animal kingdom! We're dedicated to bringing you the most hilarious, heartwarming, and downright adorable moments from our furry, feathered, and finned friends. From mischievous cats and playful pups to curious parrots and clumsy pandas, our mission is to spread joy and giggles with every post. Dive into a world of animal antics and join our community of animal lovers who can't get enough of these funny, lovable creatures. Get ready to smile, laugh, and share the fun!

Making 2024 Our Year!


Nobody can make 2024 your year except for you. If we have learned anything over the last few years it's that you have to work for what you get. I'm setting out to prove that self improvement and hard work does not have to begin on January 1st with large and or singular resolutions. New Years resolutions are dumb! By intentionally begining on January 2nd I will be adding 1 small resolution for each week of the year only giving myself 2.5 grace weeks for a total of 50 resolutions in 2024. If you would like to follow along my journey and see my progress please subscribe! If not I will still be holding myself accountable by posting regular updates; and not only making myself better every day but, maybe also learning some video editing skills along the way!