Moonjumper Reviews: Who Cares What I Think!?


Who cares what I think? Maybe YOU! Hi, folks! I’m Moonjumper—and this is my channel where I talk about whatever the heck I want to talk about, whenever the heck I feel like it—take it or leave it. Being a fully certified nerd, I tend to talk about nerdy stuff—like reviewing movies, TV shows, etc., talking about their historical significance, and so forth. Occasionally I might even express an opinion nobody cares about—except maybe YOU! Welcome to “Who Cares What I Think!?” Subscribe now!

who loves animals and cares about their wellbeing. Our goal is to make caring about animals a viral cause. We want our fans to fall in love with animals, be entertained while they're doing it, and feel empowered to help animals in need.


The Animal Lover Always on Rumble is a place for everyone who loves animals and cares about their wellbeing. Our goal is to make caring about animals a viral cause. We want our fans to fall in love with animals, be entertained while they're doing it, and feel empowered to help animals in need.