Sun Tzu's Art of War is the earliest book on the art of War in China and the earliest military work in the world


Sun Tzu's Art of War is the earliest book on the art of War in China and the earliest military work in the world. It predates Clausewitz's On War by about 2,300 years and is regarded as the "holy Canon of military science". There are about 6,000 words in all, thirteen of them. The author is Sun Wu, a general of the State of Wu, whose ancestral home was Le 'an of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period.

This Is War


m an independent YouTube creator, who is following global war conflict. I have been been following the Ukrainian Conflict from the very first day, but only recently started making videos about the situation at the frontline. My videos are focused on the events about the Ukrainian Conflict, from frontline situations to political events that influence how this war is going. I post ever Monday Wednesday and Friday, I do this to make sure my videos are not dry and only show maps but also include relative media to support the events at the frontline. I also have started a secondary channel focusing on short form videos. Thank you for watching and support my work. Questions or Comments, you can reach me at my email

The War Within - will determine our fate v. the [DS]


Victory (for Patriots) not only requires that we battle the [DS] wherever and whenever possible. It also requires that we understand ourselves and in increasingly (like exercising and strengthening a muscle) stay on top of our emotions, thoughts, especially our words. The power and responsibility of how we manifest or project our will in this world of form can't be under-stated. This is true because the first and most important aspect of this battle (although it seems largely political) will be won through discipline (or the term I like is self-mastery) or through disciplined introspection and honing our God given tools of discernment and good-judgement through strict attention and intention management. as we learn about disappointing, ugly and even horrific truths about those who oppose our individual freedom and (as we'll be learning) the strength (and reliability) of our spiritual connect with Source/God/HigherPower SpiritInTheSky...etc., and it's the mastery of this very aspect of ourselves which will make one of the most important (but little talked about) phases of actions in our energy (a narrow focus of

The Last of Wars Україна

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Раді вітати вас на каналі «The Last of Wars». Це перший український політичний серіал на основі гри «The Last of Us». Ми пропонуємо вам авторський контент, де головні герої намагаються вижити після жорстокого нападу Російської Федерації та зараження більшості населення вірусом, який промиває мізки та перетворює людей на «ватників». Підтримайте нас за допомогою лайків, коментарів або ж підписки та не забувайте донатити на ЗСУ! Разом ми – сила. The Last of Wars in English: The Last of Wars для малоросів:

The Last of Wars ru.

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Рады приветствовать вас на канале "The Last of Wars". Это первый украинский сериал на основе игры "The Last of Us". Мы предлагаем вам авторский контент, где главные герои пытаются выжить после жестокого нападения Российской Федерации и заражения большинства населения вирусом, который промывает мозги и превращает людей в "ватников". Поддержите нас с помощью лайков, комментариев или подписки и не забывайте донатить на ВСУ! Вместе мы - сила. The Last of Wars для настоящих украинцев: The Last of Wars на английском языке:

Everything Is Fair And Love And War


The saying "everything is fair in love and war" suggests that in situations involving love or conflict, or matters of the heart, people are allowed to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals or win. This phrase implies that ethical and moral boundaries can be disregarded in these circumstances. It suggests that emotions can justify actions that may otherwise be considered questionable or unfair. However, it is important to note that this saying is more of a proverb or figure of speech rather than a universal truth or ethical principle. In reality, fairness, empathy, and respect are key to maintaining healthy relationships and resolving conflicts.