The Prophecy Club


There is nothing else like The Prophecy Club among modern day ministries! We exist to proclaim the end time prophetic warning: To warn America that judgment is set, and has now begun. To warn the world that we are in the last days spoken of in the Bible. Our driving passion is to warn people to repent, stop sinning and turn to Jesus Christ with all of their heart. Like prophets of old, we bring a straightforward powerful message from the Lord to a sinful and rebellious generation. We provide information on current events and trends, and how they relate to Bible prophecy now and in the future. We also explain how to build your own prayer closet relationship with God now to obtain God’s provision and protection in the dark days ahead.

Shauna Manfredine's Prophecy Club


Zoom recordings of our past Prophecy Club studies - and worksheets from the class. in-depth Bible studies on End-time Prophecy using the 5 keys to unlocking Bible Prophecy, which are: 1) Torah - Isaiah 8:20 2) all the Bible Prophets - Isaiah 28:9-10; 2 Peter 1:20-21 3) the Mazzaroth - Genesis 1:14 4) the Sabbatical years/Jubilees 5) the Feasts (Holy Days of Yahweh listed in Leviticus 23) - Daniel 8:19; Daniel 11:27 The premise of this study time is that it is impossible to correctly interpret End-time Bible prophecy without factoring in all five of the above "Keys". For more information about these 5 Keys, using them for prophecy, and why they are essential, please see the feature article in our quarterly magazine from April-June, 2020, titled: "Five Keys that Unlock Prophecy" at