Blasters and Blades Podcast


The Blasters & Blades Podcast Just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy. Co-Hosts: Doc Cisca (Uber Book Fan) (Army Medic) JR Handley (Author) (Grunt) Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt) We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling! Support the Show: Our Website: Our Facebook Page: Our YouTube Channel: Our Twitter:

Prophet, Pastor & Teacher Verified


NO! - Church Home NO! - Pastor NO! - Car NO! - Computer * * * NO PROBLEM !!!! * * * *** SUNDAY'S TEACHINGS *** 11AM EASTERN, 8AM PACIFIC TIME Call In Line: (872) 240-3311 code 511-278-085# * GOD Is The Owner/Creator of The Universe and HE is neither left or right, HE Is Always, JUST & RIGHT! Please Sign Our Guestbook or Call through the website: (or) Our Website as you can see is full information as well "THE LINKS" to Thousands of Archived Videos on just about every subject! I am Called in these the last of The LAST DAYS, to Get HIS People Ready for what ever the demons of darkness throw at us. At the same time Build GODLY Relationships, to be there, for one Another! Please Feel Free to Call Me Personally anytime 24/7. Thanks and God Bless! (Lets Talk Soon) Pastor Sylvester Bland 951-360-3399