Buy The Truth And Sell It Not!


We Help People To Reverse Hundreds Of Health Challenges Naturally! And We Are Able To Get People Off Of 100% Of Their Pharmaceutical Drugs! That's The Natural Side Of What We Do! And For The Spiritual Side, We Bring Understanding To Spiritual Truths In The Scriptures That Many Churches Miss, Overlook, Or Simply Get Wrong. This Is How Minister To The Whole Individual - Body Soul And Spirit! Natural Solutions 317-709-8045 And BBN Bible Believers Network Christian Podcast 317-709-8045

Spirit and Truth Fellowship


Welcome to Spirit & Truth Fellowship in Redding, California! We are a Torah-Observant Fellowship, presenting the whole Word of God, equipping His people to take the Torah and the Gospel to others in Spirit and Truth. Each week Pastor Eric Muhly leads an expository study of various books of the Bible, seeking to understand God's Word in context and apply it to our daily lives. Join our vibrant community as we strive to live in obedience to the Messiah. Subscribe now for transformative teachings and a journey of faith in Redding and beyond!

FatherSpiritSon - Ancient Truths For Modern Living


Discussions revolving around applying God\\\'s Word to our lives on a practical level. Deriving ideas of how to live our lives on the basis of God\\\'s Word rather than our selfish emotion, whims, or desires. This channel exists above all else to provide God glory, and as a testament of God\\\'s grace on me in my life. God has been good to me my entire life. He has never failed me despite me failing him countless times. He owes me nothing, yet He gave me everything. Jesus Christ died for my sin! Explore His Word with me as we come together to analyze the scriptures. Hopefully in the process we will learn more about God - His character, His Will, and ultimately His desires for us in the context of our daily lives.