Dad & Swebb Talk Sports
15 FollowersThe dad and daughter duo covering all things sports
The dad and daughter duo covering all things sports
Dr. Rod Rosenbladt and his son Ted (@trosenbladt Gab) casually discuss important theological topics, from their LCMS Lutheran perspective, a few minutes at a time in their weekly podcast. For years, Dr. Rosenbladt, while teaching 16th century Lutheran Reformation theology at Concordia University in Irvine, CA, also hosted gatherings in his home and on his back deck. Join us for these short conversations and enjoy that environment of joy and celebration and learning!
Dads discusing news headlines of the week with a scriptural perspective.
Just me talking about truths vs lies with proof, non-sense vs common sense, wisdom vs intelligence, etc.
Shit Talking Sundays is going to make you THINK DEEPER! We touch on topics that open up a dialog between people of all walks of life. This is not about bullying. We're exploring different points of views without disrespecting each other. Remember, "Every Day Is Shit Talking Sundays," because you never know what you can learn when you're talking some shit!
AMERICAN Dad talking about what matters in America and around the world.
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