Self-Realization Rocks


This channel is about self-realization, personal growth, spiritual and physical healing. It’s about discovering who we are, what our world is and what this reality is made of. We share our stories, our experiences, our thoughts, out vision. We say no thank you to what does not serve us and we say yes to what it does. Because, we were not born to suffer, to endure, to submit, to survive. We are alive because we want to create, to enjoy, to love, to share, to grow, to evolve. To really feel alive!

Center for Self-Realization & Actualization


Among the most profound Enlightenment Modules for I AM presence embodiment and Quantum Growth on Earth. The Self-Realization & Self-Actualization Enlightenment Modules of the Divine Heart fuse cosmology, quantum physics, metaphysics with most profound physical cleansing, and light codes embodiment. These light codes allow your human body to align to your highest light frequencies, build your light for divine alignment of your human here on Earth. Venus Light Technology even facilitates the embodiment of your I AM presence, alignment to zero-point energy, harmonic resonance, and the expression of your divine essence in daily life. After many years of courses, retreats, sessions, your human can now undergo a most profound release of old human lack consciousness and transmute current foundations. These enlightenment modules have come into being so you live the I AM that I AM, experience a light and loving way of being, express your purest, all-encompassing you, and manifest enlightenment in the earthly realm. “The fundamental purpose of your existence.”