With The Baroness Speaks


This Channel\'s intent is to keep people informed on current/breaking news events, politics, and economics. We also try and educate people on survival techniques, gardening, living off grid, solar power, canning, cooking, and storage, for independent living, which equals FREEDOM! We strive to give the most accurate information, while inviting others to learn along with us as we ourselves learn. We give and devote hours to researching every and ALL topics, as well as consulting and partnering with other creators to bring you the best content available. If you like what you see, we ask that you would help out by hitting the "thumbs up" to like our videos and encourage you to subscribe and hit the bell icon so you don\'t miss any notifications! Thank you, one and all for watching and for your kind support! The Baroness

Dans ma story on t'écoutes, on te parle et on te soutient avec nos riches informations de vie qui pourrait t'aider a dépasser tes difficultés. Raconte ton histoire ou ton expérience en toute sécurité et confidentialité Dans ma story tu es le bienv


Dans ma story on t'écoutes, on te parle et on te soutient avec nos riches informations de vie qui pourrait t'aider a dépasser tes difficultés. Raconte ton histoire ou ton expérience en toute sécurité et confidentialité Dans ma story tu es le bienvenu ❤️🙏 Pour envoyer des sujets mon insta : mastory20