#1 Ranked Airdrops Retrieved All Time-All Systems and Official Vigor Partner 15 Followers Vigor The Game's Number One Ranked Airdrops Player, All-Time All-Systems, and Official Vigor Partner Verified
Provider Ranking System (PRS) by Denniston Data Inc. (DDI) 2 Followers Identify high-performing medical providers to lower healthcare costs through improved health outcomes, using the largest and most accurate data available on medical providers in the U.S.
Provider Ranking System™ (PRS) and Healthcare Pricing Guide™ (HPG) 2 Followers (1) Quality: Provider Ranking System™ (PRS), The Largest and Most Accurate Data Available on Medical Providers in The U.S. This tool can ensure that you are using the top high performing doctors. (2) Costs: Official Healthcare Pricing Guide™ (HPG), U.S. Medical Benchmark Prices from Transparency in Coverage and Medicare Data. This tool can be used to negotiate fair prices, to ensure that your clients are not overpaying for healthcare.