

This is my introduction to me and my Weekly 80's Podcast Show (Every Friday 7am) So if like me you grew up in the 80's then you are Absolutely in the right place I’m new to podcasting , always listen to podcasts, thought id love to do that,so i do audio and video which i love doing and hope you enjoy. For me the 80’s always brings back some of the most amazing times that I’d like to share with you all, so sit back and enjoy the notalgia going back to the BEST DECADE EVER. Please go check out my Audio and video Edition of my podcast on spotify Audio Edition on Apple Amazon and Google. If you enjoy please subscribe. There are links to my 80's Tiktok, Twitter ,Instagram and facebook as well as my Spotify account. Thanks for listening hope you enjoy

"Putting YOU in Control of Your Medical Decisions"


Our First President, George Washington, said, “Truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains to bring it to light.” Life, Liberty, and Wellness hosts Bev and Daria are on a mission to speak the truth in an age of deceit. Outraged by COVID-19 tyranny, the longtime friends, health enthusiasts, and liberty-loving Americans decided they could no longer remain silent while worldwide governments (including their own), Big Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Hospitals, and Big Insurance wielded fear like a weapon to terrify the masses into distrusting each other, submitting to non-scientific mask mandates, and subjecting themselves to a dangerous, experimental gene therapy falsely promoted as a vaccine. Through Life, Liberty, and Wellness, Bev and Daria will speak the truth…and live with the consequences. We cherish our relationships, and we understand the power of universal deceit - as do the control freaks pushing their nefarious agenda on the world. If we lose friendships because of our willingness to speak out, it’s a risk worth taking for the sake of medical freedom and the God-given liberties bestowed upon all human beings made in the image and likeness of God.

Are you making these 3 mistakes when putting your baby to rest

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By doing this 1 weird trick, can you really get your baby to sleep in less than one minute? This really works: It's the #1 most important discovery for parents in over 25 years! Not only that, but it works free of harmful chemicals, gimmicks or gizmos that cost a lot but do little ... Fact is, research from the Stanford Sleep lab shows that this simple 27-second trick added to your parenting routine allows your child to sleep through the nigh. It activates the pineal gland flushing your little one’s body with melatonin, the save yet utterly effective sleep hormone… you'll discover exactly how at the link below: Click here