Mental Health? Let's Talk About It!


"Welcome to Zen with Lyn, where we discuss all things related to mental health, relationships, stress, anxiety, self-esteem, and self-help. I am a person who actually suffers, and my goal is to build a community where we can encourage and share our experiences with one another in hopes to empower each other. Our goal is to provide you with valuable information, tips and strategies to improve your overall well-being. We also cover current events that impact mental health and discuss the latest research in the field. Join us as we navigate the complexities of the mind and strive to create a more balanced, fulfilling life."

PTSD and Mental Health awareness. You are not alone


I am a Motivational speaker, singer songwriter, advocate for PTSD & Mental health awareness. My mission is to make a difference one person at a time. Through my story and testimony, it has become my purpose lifelong mission to stand up be just one person with a loud voice that wants to make a difference and spread awareness worldwide. Bring attention to men's mental health and how this isn’t addressed. PTSD, the devastation it causes in one’s life. One life gone is one too many. Domestic Violence physical or verbal men and women both experience this and it can tear someone apart. No matter what you are not alone, you truly matter, you have a purpose, there is light at the end of the tunnel and you can truly heal. You are the author to your own story and how it is written. If we all had the mindset it takes just one person to save a life, make a difference, we would be living breathing unconditional LOVE like we were born to We are 1 Family 1 Mission 1 Fight!