Angry Conservative


This channel is going to focus on history from around the world and how some things are happening in the United States today. It will teach some things that they ain't teaching in schools today. I am going to start the beginning of World War 2 and how a lot the things that happened then are happening the United States today. I will also give you some politics and press briefings. For clips from my daily show please follow my other channel here on Rumble: If you would like to join me for the daily show please email me at

The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins Verified


The Poetry of Reality is hosted by world renowned evolutionary biologist and best-selling author, Professor Richard Dawkins. He has been celebrated globally for his honest critique of religion and tradition and his push for critical thinking. His books include The Selfish Gene, Climbing Mount Improbable, The God Delusion and Outgrowing God: A Beginner’s Guide. Dawkins has long been known for his uncompromising passion for science, calling out for the pressing need in modern societies for scientific literacy and rational thinking, especially in the education of young minds. His relentless pursuit of truth, and his recognition of the beauty of life on earth, will feature in this podcast, as he charts his way through scientific and existential inquiries like ‘What are we doing here?’ and ‘When did life begin?’