Alpha Omega 1412


Chi-miigwetch to all those whom would doubt me and call me crazy for trying to warn you that democide complicit orange tool trump actually won the last election and is still president more or less, for being the reason to change my banner! It would seem the brainwashing is way worse than i ever could have thought and the mere site of that orange tool commy puppet seems to stop people from going into anything i've posted here! Fact remains we are all in WW3 now pretty much so sorry so many are too blind to see what they have even done! Please help warrior calls with half truth one decade maybe though if you can because after 6 years forsaken here seeking help it's crystal clear none of us here nor full truth matters it would seem! And if i still have a pulse when half truth ever comes guess i'll hope for the best then! Please Help Warrior Calls With Half Truth At Least Before They Kill Me Too Brantford PD! You Sure Didn't Like That Warrior Calls Truth Did You CSIS? Pride Kills, Thanx JAMES Yup! After all the trouble of redoing the below description multiple times it is still not how i intended for it to appear but the below video here in the description has it a little better with actual clickable links that you can't get in my about section here so check it out and see one more example of how even the so called "free" speech platforms like rumble here give me the shaft nonstop stealing view counts, subscribers, changing stuff and blurring evidence picture mashes all the time as well to invalidate me! The PDF as well comes with many context pictures and clickable links as well that i shall be adding onto as i find places to work and charge stuff seeing as i'm bloody homeless here still! Bravo Once Again You soros/g8tes satanic rumble puppet! About Section Screws Yet Again! UPDATED - To see full PDF with accompanying context evidence picture mashes & other links see the drive file linked below_ Below are highlights of newest events involving death threats by muslim/asian extremists (of which there are millions now all over North America thanks to the purposely left open border walls in the south, as well by “as intended by design” mass importing of mostly military aged men by Canadian officials/military… See that has been monitoring the military for 3 years BRINGING MILLIONS OF MILITARY AGED MEN FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD RIGHT TO THE BORDER PRETTY MUCH!) There are even chinese police stations all over North America now as well & we have even been training chinese military in Canada as well over the years! On September 12, 2018, by Executive Order 13848, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections. One may want to ponder if Joe Biden was actually “president” why would he extend this Executive order? SEPTEMBER 07, 2023 Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections Simple because Joe Biden isn’t even president! And not even the original Biden either as there are plenty of pictures of him pulling up his mask, working at white house studios, and having different eyes and facial features! Fact is Trump (the lesser evil has allowed millions to flood into North America as well knew the whole plan with warp speed as well that many doctors accounts has now culled well over 1 billion! This whole satanic [Q] psyop is nothing more than the rothschilds vs rockefellers at the end of the day! See more on the Devolution theory linked below_ Welcome to Jon Herold’s (aka Patel Patriot) Devolution Series. To be clear, i would agree with Patel Patriots theory yes but would completely disagree with his conclusion Trump is actually a "white" hat that cares about the greater good of our world! Make no doubt the "god" that democidal creature culling orange psychopath donald trump is working for is nothing you'd want to get cozy with trust me there! Further SECTION 21 applicable offences by the Brantford Police Service (from treason to democide, obstruction of justice, conspiracy/sub sections - SECTION 21 on a plethora of other associated offences from theft, to forcible abduction/confinement to name a couple more that would also be found i’m sure if a proper unfettered investigation was allowed to occur! As well, extreme neglect of duty has been compounded for failure to act not only at the local levels of Brantford but to obligations beyond our region that affect not only locals in Brantford On. but our whole country and world! Further acts (that i would consider forcible abduction/confinement) have also been committed against me after trying to report an act of trespass against myself by Bell Canada at a local Tim Hortons December 24, 2023. Below these recent videos are more PDF’s and other links of more audio/video evidence containing videos with context to many other ongoing issues that face our world as well going back to the reason i ended up on the streets in the first place due to the whole Six Nations gong show and all the corruption that’s going on there that also was the reason i lost the car! These PDF’s below are a mix of older emails/pictures/links/video/audio evidence to the wrecker whom was in possession of my 2014 dodge charger that I would consider to have been stolen thanks to the collaborative actions/inaction's of many institutions and agencies ranging from the FEDERAL levels of the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, to PROVINCIAL levels of the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, to MUNICIPAL levels of the GOVERNMENT(s) OF CANADA all across CANADA the last 5 years in this limbo stalemate hell ride that indeed have failed in their duties/oaths of office under SECTION 21 AND MULTIPLE SUB SECTIONS of the CRIMINAL CODE OF CANADA, as well many violations against INTERNATIONAL LAW(s), or have otherwise overtly worked in collaboration with each other to trespass UNLAWFULLY not only against Annette Marie (since going missing April, 2019 going to VITAL STATISTICS, VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA) the other mother i subsequently met at the CALGARY INDIGENOUS HUB (while seeking help for Annette Marie after she went missing) that is now possibly murdered as well as she was being threatened by a Calgary police services cop after he saw us speaking about her murdered daughter and the horrible satanic ritual abuses/sacrifices/murders they do on/to millions of women/children per year all over this world! Brian as you can also see i’ve learned is but one example to a whole other level of government sanctioned secret experiments that are ongoing and also affect millions of people all across this world! Seeing as it is confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt the online platforms RUMBLE INC - 218 Adelaide St W, Toronto, ON M5H 1W7 and Bit Chute Limited, Box 813, Andover House, George Yard, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1PB. United Kingdom. Company number 10637289. Just to name 2 of many i am adding the beginning of this PDF in my about sections with breakdowns of relevant groupings/sub groupings, or playlists where available as to highlight them front and centre seeing as the shadow banning and analytics frauds, or otherwise switched videos (to confuse dates and or orders of the original uploads) for all to see for yourselves! This shall be added onto as new content is edited and i am able to bring them! Seeing as all my email accounts associated with all the Bell lines i had that are now lost, some of the below drive files are inaccessible to me now and also have been changed some of them as to invalidate me or otherwise make me look bad! This is a regular tactic they do and it’s a constant battle catching them and fixing things especially now with this garbage google chrome book that “selectively” acts up “on it’s own” a lot usually right when you least expect it! (usually always when it has anything to do with evidence lets just say and yes there are many videos to prove this and tonnes more videos i never had a chance to finish as my azeus laptop has now been put out of service) Regardless you still can see many sources, links and evidence for yourself to share and warn your family and friends that would listen and take this seriously, as all most certainly should do! More links regarding the continued scorched earth tactics happening the world over linked below_ Updated links SCORCHED EARTH, 666 BIO-WEAPON, BORDER INVASION twitter links MAIN 7.7 See the links as well in the most recent videos also linked below_ i’ve broken down the below links in 2 sections since events from Six nations where my car more or less was stolen July 2023 as far as i’m concerned seeing as i was trying to rectify my back pay issues with Canada Pension with the crisis centre out there to no avail and it was at that time i ended up on the streets here in Brantford Ontario and am still homeless now to this day as every level of government has trespassed against me for over 5 plus years since Annette Marie disappeared going to Vital Statistics Canada in Victoria British Columbia! You can hear the audio of several of the calls in the links below and for the full PDF with added pictures see the Google drive file included here as well! Annette Marie Evidence ORIGINAL These are the calls (see PDF for pictures) made to Vital Statistics in Victoria British Colombia April 9, 2019. As you can hear from the audio yourself Annette Marie was hung up on several times and in the end i gave her my last $40 for the ferry and a disposable camera as her plan was to get a picture placing her documents (as ordered by Manitoba justice that was screwing her around due to the seriousness of her case! She was seeking her 5th lawyer due to said seriousness of the case thus none of her lawyers would do the proper job or acted incompetently on purpose to get fired because they knew they were fighting a satanic corrupt government) Regardless i spent a couple years trying to get a hold of her to no avail and with CSIS and the RCMP totally able to block emails and texts i have never been able to find her or any of her family that could validate her story! This case as Annette described involves multiple provinces, child services and many law enforcement agencies from Manitoba to British Colombia with some mention of events in Alberta as well! Bottom line is with this many people and agencies involved, a proper investigation (if it was actually allowed) would find Annette Marie was telling the truth and is now likely murdered thanx to no bloody help here! Updated rumble about section PDF with pictures and resorted Brantford Police Service & Bell media related videos and evidence! Realize Bell media owns iheart radio and the radio station Cjay 92.1 fm that i was in the radio contest with when Annette Marie went missing and after being stuck in British Columbia for a few months until i finally made it back to Calgary to seek help, it was then i met the other mother at the Calgary indigenous hub that also was being screwed over by officials due to the murder of her daughter! It was when the black cop saw us talking about adrenochrome and gang members bragging about serving up her daughter that the black cop cleared out the building preventing me from seeing the elder Earnest Poundmaker that in the end also was corrupt as well! That mother told me the black cop had threatened to kill her so at this point it is unknown if she is still alive or not but regardless in the frantic of it all i did 2 twitch live streams and called many for help trying to get out of Calgary (twitch streams btw were removed now by someone but i still have the call logs from that day to who i called seeking help! One person as you can hear in the link below was a DJ at Cjay 92.1 Fm named reaper and you can hear for yourself the guy is full of shit and guilty as fk yep!) Calling Cjay 92.1 Fm months later after the whole Calgary indigenous hub incident is linked below_ CITY OF CALGARY/TWITTER/IHEART RADIO [MASON] MURDER COVER UPS SHORT! The below links as i’ve said are in 2 sections based on the 2 most important more recent timelines of this ongoing continuous 5 plus year limbo stalemate hell ride! i suggest to get the full story if you have time it would help to understand everything more if you watched it as an ongoing hell ride adventure more or less from beginning to end (minus hundreds of videos gone now due to the satanic GOOGLE LLC Youtube platform cancelling 5 of my channels taking out almost 10 years of work!) but the first section below is of recent events that continue with the whole Bell media aspect of things mixed with the failure of Brantford Police service to act not only in regards to my cases but in the larger democide plot occurring against us all world wide of which there is so much evidence now you could fill a box truck with it! Regardless there is no longer any doubt that Brantford Police service has chosen to be directly involved in not only trespassing against myself and failure to help Annette Marie, the other mother from the Calgary indigenous hub (that is likely now murdered as well thanx to no help) but also the other families highlighted by warrior calls that also have had their children taken from them too! You can see more on that at as well the mountains of evidence of the ongoing global democide that by many experts/doctors accounts agree has culled 1 billion if not more! Billions more are now effectively sterilised, and billions more need URGENT TREATMENT if they are to survive long term! NEVER ONE STRAIN ISOLATED! OF ANYTHING! A recent Reese Report falls short on the true body count for sure but regardless he has much important info and proof in the link below_ 17 Million Murdered By COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death It should be noted as well the CDC’s own VAER’s reports stopped reporting accurate statistics when they hit around the 3 million mark and even they said that was at best a 1% reporting rate so right there you can say safely at that time 2 years ago likely 30 million have been lost in America alone! Many are now catching them actively removing and or changing stats as to not show the truth accounts, as well they are literally paying off doctors to stay quiet much like they are for morticians and others that deal with the dead! See for yourself what they are now removing from corpses below_ Also you can see microscopic blood samples of the self replicating graphene oxide nano that is now being found in even the unvaxxed! Via land, water, air, food and water they are putting this satanic concoction in everything now so we are all on borrowed time for sure if more don’t ACT NOW! The links below are from newest to oldest thus i suggest you watch them from oldest to newest to understand the progression of this ongoing limbo stalemate government experiment hell ride! Not all videos shall be included here either but for the most part the ones linked are for my about section on and this first section is dealing with recent stepped up tactics from Brantford Police service that has now stooped to the level of theft, intimidation, and clearly conspiracy to obstruct justice never mind the PURE NEGLIGENCE OF THE LARGER CRIMES OF HIGH TREASON AND HUMAN RIGHTS ATROCITIES THAT AFFECT OUR WHOLE WORLD AND BILLIONS THAT NEED URGENT CARE! FYI for all those “smart” people grammar nazi’s out there let it be known i shall not CAPITALISE my “i”s no, as i prefer walking on water thanx yup! Millions of military aged men all brought here on purpose and ready to roll for those blue skinned m33 & commy asians in what i would consider an ancient land reclamation! "christian" Experiment Failed, Irony At It's Finest With M33 Laughing At Y'all! Correction on the "christian" Experiment Failed above! It didn’t fail really as trillions have been culled & regurgitated now over the ages by the Galactic federation of planets micro “gods” of (“Is Ra El”) over a “god” lie for the benefit of all they’re loosh harvesting egregore demons & other not so friendly to humans star races! To be clear what the lesser evil creature culling satanic orange tool donald trump is doing here is a slow disclosure half truth while culling billions in the end while coming out looking like “god” himself! As for what a “god” really is, take a look in the mirror maybe and stop waiting for a lie to come and save you from yourselves! John 14:12… More Slow Killing Fun To Enjoy With Outreach That Don't Care & Brantford PD Intimidation! More satanic screws on the whole Sandy Glaze gong show with an other PDF for context contained within description linked below_ Screencast 2024-01-11 13.33.40@ 10 Fold Repaid Suffering For The Deeds In Witch You Sow! Make no mistake muslim & asian extremists are in Canada and America and actively working against all of us in pretty much every city in town all over NORTH AMERICA and Brantford Ontario is no different! To those officials reading here now let us just say FAILURE TO ACT MOST CERTAINLY IS HIGH TREASON! Some "biblical They"s For Brantford PD, With Blackrock Vanguard Public Storage Terrorist Fun! Effectively taken over Turtle Island now is aye! As they laugh at us all like! WARNING! A WANTED TERRORIST IS NOW RUNNING MAJORITY GOVERNMENT IN CANADA WITH A PEDO DEMON SATANIST! Chi-miigwetch for yet more evidence you satanic google demons! That made for a great screen cap yep! What's the matter, you don’t like me exposing your m33 galactic federation of planets blue skinned garbage now? Really? (see PDF for more details of the satanic GOOGLE screwing me again) 3 Attempts later and catching them yet again trying to stop me from sharing context pictures the below picture is an andromedan (which would be one of the oldest star nations running the Galactic federation of planets! Shiva and many other micro "god" ET's are depicted all over Egypt as well and no secret in eastern cultures to not only exist but still be pulling the strings here on earth) See more on the truth of Turtle Island where these wars actually began thousands of years before they would ever let you know, plus more on your “god” lie in the link below_ You Sure Didn't Like That Warrior Calls Truth Did You CSIS? Pride Kills, Thanx JAMES Yup! Please Help Warrior Calls With Half Truth At Least Before They Kill Me Too Brantford PD! Just Thank The Demons & Complicit In Democide, Justice Obstructing masonic Brantford PD! Never thought i’d say it but the real evil is the one whom tricks all while being more psychopathic at the end of the day! i say come clean before you get chucked under the bus turd-eau-castro! Puppets VS The True Democidal Psychopaths Eh CSIS Brantford PD Must Love Watching Me Walk By A Little More Dead Everyday Eh Outreach? For Sure i Look Like A Yeti That Got Caught Up In A Wood Chipper Now Brantford PD! Brantford Police Sanctioned ABDUCTION & THEFT, A Little Closer To Death Yep! We Reached A Whole New Level Brantford PD, Glazed Off Keep It Yup! Funny How That Happens Everytime i Make A Report On 911 Eh Brantford Pd! Noose Fun Cut! Psychopathic to the bone, Federation of Planets Style Cream of the "crop" need apply only! The below links i still need to sort better, add context pictures and more explanations but for now the below links are merely from the old about section! When i find more power here i’ll fix things better when i can! Bell Cyber Crimes Add On, 223 OIPRD, Turtle Island Truth & Motives Context 1 747 tara the wolf beast curse CSIS adjust, maybe go with cloths off version next yup! More jackmusk 2.o fun, Wrecker Plea, OIPRD, More Bell Cybercrimes screwing insights! 3 Lives & Their families not even worth $900 so let's give lucifer yet another cookie "god" yup! Guess they don't all hate my guts and such 144 cut! FYI For Flier Receivers & a Warning About The soros/g8tes rumble puppet! (many links in description of this one too) MAKE SEPTEMBER 23RD 5 YEARS A HELL RIDE WITH MS. M RIGHT ON [Q] LIKE I ALREADY KNEW! Poetic indeed i suppose, 52nd bell sim card, hot satanic nazi puppet cop cut yup! (with blonde cop that is avoiding me I reported the robbery too and what amy from the tow company did to seize the car in the first place) "god" loves it Ms. Goldfishy yup! Sir A For Scotia Dealer A Short with links 5G Activate Borg Like Creature Aye, torba Skin Metric Cut Yup! Replying to @laralogan & @ReportGoldfish it was known the second they couldn't isolate a single strain ANYWHERE! aside from the china kick off cover"strain" that [Q]uickly died in its tracks! to be followed by scam PCR tests/media lie mk ultra hype! Great job for sure [Q] culling billions of creatures for "god" for sure orange clown yay! #322 How were we all so fooled? Deception, Shills, Disinfo agents, Psy-Ops Mark Devlin and JC Kay Prophecy isn't really prophecy if it was the master plan, orange skin, musk china puppet cut! Paid Ops, "gods" Orange Age Harvest Conclusions, Clone Fun Mash! MORE ON SOURCE HOLE CHUCKING, FALCONS KILLING, NAZI BUNKCHUTE RAYMOND HERPES IRISH CUT FUN! Should Call A Meeting Of The Spear Handles Ms. M Before The Federation Walks Away With Them i Say! These Bell PDF’s still are incomplete as the Brantford Police Service FAILS to investigate nor help, or DEMAND BELL give me my phone logs and info related to the stolen phones that still have not been located! Included are pictures and other info that go towards proving all the hell Bell has put me through trying to get all this sorted out and to get my phones activated again! And of course as they are aware my main laptop is fried and that other devices are at risk thanks to hackers some content is on drives i cannot access at the moment so this is why i have yet to finish many of these evidence packages! It’s pretty hard to do anything here on the streets with no help, support, resources or even warmth in a place to even put all this together especially when i’m looking over my back here nonstop thanks to death threats and other issues now since the whole terrorist run Public storage thing! Bell cyber crimes redacted for public Bell cyber crimes misc evidence pictures Incomplete PDF thanks to no help from Brantford Police service that has now proven to be complicit in helping the federal government of Canada effectively finish me off here! And thanks to the azeus being fried and no place to work here the below is what it is for now! i'll fill in more later for any even allowed to see this! This is more or less a follow up to the below links and being screwed by rumble here again along with more cryptic Ms. M confirmations from above! BRANTFORD WARNING & BELL CYBER CRIMES, OIPRD FURTHER ADD ON! Bell Cyber Crimes/CSIS 5G Duly Notified Test Yup Insert Rumble Screw Here Now Yep! For Those Who Asked About Sources See Description For More! Funny You Would Go There Ms. M, Regardless 1412 Alpha Omega It Still Is!

Omega Times Revmay


My name is Rev Randy May, I have been preaching for 47 years as a pastor and an evangelist. I have been an interim pastor at 3 churches and have pastored for 22 years. I have preached over 4,000 sermons at over 75 churches of many faiths. My father and mother were also pastors. I have been on three radio stations in the past, have recorded 3 records and played drums on 2 others. I have played in bands, churches, revivals, and tent meetings. I have been playing the drums and singing for 57 years. I feel in my spirit that I might be able to share Gods word with people who may be struggling in life and need a lift that can only come from God. I don't feel that I should let my talents go dormant but instead share them with others.

Best Kitchen Gadgets New Kitchen Gadgets in 2022


Hi friends welcome to Gr liton Home Gadgets created this channel to give an overall idea about smart appliances Latest Smart gadgets, Utensils Kitchen Gadgets, Versatile Utensils, Home Gadgets, Useful Daily Hacks, Makeup tutorial, Beauty, nail art, nails Skincare, Smart Utensils, Satisfying video, Oddly Satisfying Utilities And Many More interesting latest inventions & versatile utensils that are been added each day to the merchandise I want each individual who want make their lifestyle simpler, and modern to get get an overall idea about latest appliances and gadgets that are manufactured all over the world. I post two-three videos daily on topics that covers smart appliances and gadgets for every home. Hope you all will love this channel and the content I get for you Please like the video and subscribe My rumble channel to watch the latest video. Thanks Love you all!

Alpha and Omega


When looking at the world in its current state I see that democracies of the west all have the Judeo-Christian principles as their basic building blocks, and I believe that these principles must be nurtured and cherished if we want to continue to live in free and democratic societies. We must uphold the principles of mercy, forgiveness, justice, Free will, and human rights if we want to have our democratic system of governance continued into the future. At the core of our beliefs is our universal declaration in every human being right to the expression of his or her free will. I believe that any threat to this fundamental right is dangerous to the overall wellbeing of our pluralistic and free spirited society. I also believe that Free Will is sanctified by the I Am Himself and that humanity is also sanctified by that part of the Trinity which became human in the form of Jesus of Nazareth. Failure to comprehend this profound truth could lead to the destruction of democracies on a global scale and the rise of totalitarian regimes.