Quantum Planet


Davyd is a Quantum Plant Healer, Bard, and Plant Medicine Man. Working with the elemental forces of nature, quantum plant, tree, and fungi intelligence he works as a Quantum Plant shaman to do powerful remote healings for people. Together with Bella, he co-founded Quantum Plant Healing. Through the QPH website, they hold global plant immersions that enable people worldwide to meet in a safe and sacred quantum space where plant intelligence is transmitted for healing and personal realization. He also runs a Youtube channel where he co-hosts Web of Wyrd with Pete Jackson-Main, Moons and Mythos with astrologer Kelley Hunter, Food as Medicine with Rebecca O’Reilly, and the Huachuma Sessions with Sergey Baranov. Davyd is also a co-founder of the online tv platform - Wisdom Hub TV. Youtube: https://youtu.be/bjANDODzTjA Email: davyd@quantumplanthealing.com



Welcome to our music channel, where rhythms intertwine and melodies come to life. Explore a vibrant sonic world, from timeless classics to contemporary beats. Dive into diverse genres that transcend borders and cultures, connecting with fellow music lovers worldwide. Join us in celebrating the transformative power of music, as we share stories, discover new talents, and unite through the universal language of sound. Tune in, turn up the volume, and embark on a journey where every note carries you to new heights.

Simply Awesome Planet


Welcome to Simply Awesome Planet, where curiosity meets discovery! Dive into a world of wonder with our short, captivating videos that explore the fascinating questions you've always pondered. From the mysteries of the cosmos to the secrets of the deep sea, we uncover the extraordinary in the ordinary, leaving you awestruck with each episode. Join us on a journey of endless fascination as we unravel the mysteries of our incredible planet, one captivating video at a time. Subscribe now !

Mad Planet


Videos I believe the World needs to see. - Freedom of (any) Information and Speech belongs to my Basic Human Rights. As a Free Thinking Spirit no one will ever be able to own me. - This is for more Freedom, Love, Peace and for a better Understanding of what is happening in our censored wrong World of broken Societies. DO NOT SHUT YOUR EYES because it is always YOU being responsible for your own Liberation, the One who can break free through the chains of your own Mental Enslavement. Remember, After Darkness there will always be Light. Expand your Consciousness with Knowledge and by positive Practices. Let's work together to expose the Corrupt 1%! Civil Disobedience becomes a Sacred Duty when the State becomes Lawless and Corrupt. The big ones stop ruling when the little ones stop crawling. Unite we are invincible! - - - This Channel has been created since my former YouTube-Channel, like so many others these days, became subject to Political Censorship. If Wars are started with Lies - Then Peace will start with Truth Please share with friends and family and to whom this might interest! Thank you! Every Support is appreciated!

Sun in the West is a charity to aid people in need! We work to be a light to people, just like the sun is to our planet


Sun in the West is a charitable organization here to help aid people in need! We work to be a beacon of light and warmth to people, just like the sun is to our planet. We are currently growing logistics for many areas of the world. It takes time and support! We are working to get the help, to the areas of the world that are normally ignored by Western media and Western charities. Information and awareness, are just as important to us, as donations. Therefore, please share and tell others about us, in order to help the awareness grow! If you are financially sound and are able to spare one or two dollars, we appreciate the donations as well. Let us all work together to bring about a warmer world, just like the sun does for us